Revelation 4 It's Alive!


Well-Known Member
Revelation 4:In the center, around the throne, were four living creatures, and they were covered with eyes, in front and in back. 7 The first living creature was like a lion, the second was like an ox, the third had a face like a man, the fourth was like a flying eagle. 8 Each of the four living creatures had six wings and was covered with eyes all around, even under its wings. Day and night they never stop saying:

“‘Holy, holy, holy

is the Lord God Almighty,’(b)

who was, and is, and is to come.”​

b. Revelation 4:8 Isaiah 6:3

OK... I'm at the first hurdle.... it's the four living creatures, each with a different face, each with six wings, and each totally covered in eyes. The commentaries I generally go to are at odds.

Enduring Word says the four faces may be the "mascots" on the tribal banners when the twelve tribes divided into four divisions of three. And with that theory in mind... the six wings would divide evenly two wings apiece for each of the three tribes. The eyes allowed them to see everything and in that light... it makes sense because everyone who reads the Bible can plainly see the sins the stupid humans are so proud of.

Meanwhile, the easy English site says John tries to describe the creatures as special angels. They were strong like the lion, full of power as the ox wise as a wise man and as fast as the eagle when it flies. offers this. "The “beasts” or living creatures in this scene are similar to the angel cherubim in Ezekiel’s vision. The shapes of the living creatures were probably symbolic. (In this same vision Jesus was represented as both a lion and a lamb, symbolizing His power and His gentleness.) The human face symbolizes Jesus’ humanity; the lion’s face, strength; the ox’s willingness to serve; and the eagle’s swiftness and perceptiveness."

GodVine is the most detailed... get ready to read.....

And the first beast was like a lion - A general description has been given, applicable to all, denoting that in whatever form the divine government is administered, these things will be found; a particular description now follows, contemplating that government under particular aspects, as symbolized by the living beings on which the throne rests. The first is that of a lion. The lion is the monarch of the woods, the king of beasts, and he becomes thus the emblem of dominion, of authority, of government in general. Compare Genesis 49:9; Amos 3:8; Joel 3:16; Daniel 7:4. As emblematic of the divine administration, this would signify that He who sits on the throne is the ruler over all, and that his dominion is absolute and entire. It has been made a question whether the whole body had the form of a lion, or whether it had the appearance of a lion only as to its face or front part. It would seem probable that the latter only is intended, for it is expressly said of the "third beast" that it had "the face of a man," implying that it did not resemble a man in other respects, and it is probable that, as these living creatures were the supports of the throne, they had the same form in all other particulars except the front part. The writer has not informed us what was the appearance of these living creatures in other respects, but it is most natural to suppose that it was in the form of an ox, as being adapted to sustain a burden. It is hardly necessary to say that the thing supposed to be symbolical here in the government of God - his absolute rule - actually exists, or that it is important that this should be fairly exhibited to people.

And the second beast like a calf - Or, more properly, a young bullock, for so the word - μόσχος moschos - means. The term is given by Herodotus to the Egyptian god Apis, that is, a young bullock. Such an emblem, standing under a throne as one of its supports, would symbolize firmness, endurance, strength (compare Proverbs 14:4); and, as used to represent qualities pertaining to him who sat on the throne, would denote stability, firmness, perseverance: qualities that are found abundantly in the divine administration. There was clearly, in the apprehension of the ancients, some natural fitness or propriety in such an emblem. A young bullock was worshipped in Egypt as a god. Jeroboam set up two idols in the form of a calf, the one in Dan and the other in Bethel, 1 Kings 12:28-29. A similar object of worship was found in the Indian, Greek, and Scandinavian mythologies, and the image appears to have been adopted early and extensively to represent the divinity.

And the third beast had a face as a man - There is no intimation as to what was the form of the remaining portion of this living creature; but as the beasts were "in the midst of the throne," that is, under it as a support, it may be presumed that they had such a form as was adapted to that purpose - as supposed above, perhaps the form of an ox. To this living creature there was attached the head of a man, and that would be what would be particuLarly visible to one looking on the throne. The aspect of a man here would denote intelligence - for it is this which distinguishes man from the creation beneath him; and if the explanation of the symbol above given be correct, then the meaning of this emblem is, that the operations of the government of God are conducted with intelligence and wisdom. That is, the divine administration is not the result of blind fate or chance; it is founded on a clear knowledge of things, on what is best to be done, on what will most conduce to the common good.

And the fourth beast was like a flying eagle - All birds, indeed, fly; but the epithet flying is here employed to add intensity to the description. The eagle is distinguished, among the feathered race, for the rapidity, the power, and the elevation of its flight. No other bird is supposed to fly so high; none ascends with so much power; none is so majestic and grand in his ascent toward the sun. That which would be properly symbolized by this would be the rapidity with which the commands of God are executed; or this characteristic of the divine government, that the purposes of God are carried into prompt execution. There is, as it were, a vigorous, powerful, and rapid flight toward the accomplishment of the designs of God - as the eagle ascends unmolested toward the sun. Or, it may be that this symbolizes protecting care, or is an emblem of that protection which God, by his providence, extends over those who put their trust in him.​

I know you aren't expecting me to have the answer. I'm just an old woman with an online Bible and some online commentaries. When the commentaries are so skewed.... then what am I supposed to do.

The Lion is king.... God is King
The Ox is strong.... God holds us up
The Human is wise.... God is wise
The Eagle is swift.... God controls swift

They are four creatures in the throne.... of course the throne has to be a living throne.... we serve a Living God... we serve a Risen Savior.... there is so much life in Heaven that even the throne is alive!

So... that's my opinion.... we're all missing the point here.... even the throne in Heaven is alive!

IMHO... that's proof of eternal life.....

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