Why are faceless accusations allowed to end men’s careers?


PREMO Member
But after a few months Elliott got sober and decided he could no longer ignore the rape charge. If he didn’t confront it, it would dog him for the rest of his life — and, according to him, he’s innocent. He wrote an essay for New York magazine, setting out the case for his defence, but after initially being accepted it was rejected. He passed it on to the Guardian and it was the same story: an enthusiastic reception followed by a change of heart. Eventually, a version of that essay found a home in Quillette, an Australian online magazine where I’m an associate editor. After it was published, two women came forward to accuse Elliott of having behaved badly towards them, but the charges didn’t amount to anything more serious than ‘unsolicited invitations to his apartment’ and, as he pointed out in his essay, it isn’t a rule that you have to wait for a woman to ‘solicit’ an invitation before you can ask her back to your apartment. No one has ever made an attempt to substantiate the rape allegation.

Last week the story exploded when Elliott filed a $1.5 million law suit in New York against Moira Donegan and some of the other women who contributed to the ‘####ty Media Men’ list. The reaction was predictable, particularly as the news followed on the heels of Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation as a Supreme Court Justice. One of Elliott’s former colleagues described the suit as ‘an outrageous act of violence against Moira first and foremost, as well as everyone who contributed to the list or found any measure of solidarity or hope or comfort or usefulness in it’.

Why are faceless accusations allowed to end men’s careers?

ruin a guy because he 'asked' you to come back to his place ....... Progressive women are such weaklings
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Well-Known Member
On the one hand it is easy to say this man---a liberal who was sympathetic to the #me too movement---got what as coming to him for backing these crazed kooks.
But this woman wrote and published this list of men she did not like and used their names. I wonder where the rest of them are and why they have not joined this suit.

Anyway with this man he has been harmed and has no other recourse or action that he can use to heal that harm, but this law suit.
I hope he wins. Perhaps that will stop some people from making accusations with no proof.


PREMO Member
On the one hand it is easy to say this man---a liberal who was sympathetic to the #me too movement---got what as coming to him for backing these crazed kooks.
But this woman wrote and published this list of men she did not like and used their names. I wonder where the rest of them are and why they have not joined this suit.

Anyway with this man he has been harmed and has no other recourse or action that he can use to heal that harm, but this law suit.
I hope he wins. Perhaps that will stop some people from making accusations with no proof.

The only thing they will stop it would be equitable punishment.

If his sentence for a guilty verdict was worth 20 years then she gets 20 for the false accusation.

Alternately it may be even more beneficial to enhance it, 20 year guilty is equal to a 40 year sentence to the false accuser.


Well-Known Member
The only thing they will stop it would be equitable punishment.

If his sentence for a guilty verdict was worth 20 years then she gets 20 for the false accusation.

Alternately it may be even more beneficial to enhance it, 20 year guilty is equal to a 40 year sentence to the false accuser.

I like that. False accusations should be punished.
I don't know where this BS came from that the female accuser should be believed no matter what.
That's crazy.

What is even crazier is that we spent weeks and a ton of money on an accusation that a 17 year old boy tried to feel up or make out with a drunken 15 year old girl, that should have been home to begin with.

If every 17 year old boy who ever tried to feel up a 15 year old girl was charged with attempted rape, much of the male population would have served time.
This woman let this incident affect her whole life? How many 15 year old girls have ended up pregnant from situations where they should have been home and they found a way to live with it? This woman got up went home and stewed on it for 35 years.

Anyway,This post is about false accusations and if they are proven false the accuser should receive punishment.


Well-Known Member
The only thing they will stop it would be equitable punishment.

If his sentence for a guilty verdict was worth 20 years then she gets 20 for the false accusation.

Alternately it may be even more beneficial to enhance it, 20 year guilty is equal to a 40 year sentence to the false accuser.

Wasn't that they way it was in English Common Law? We need to get back to that.