Khashoggi Cheered Hamas' War on Israel


PREMO Member
If you get your news from the media, then you will have heard that Jamal Khashoggi was a heroic reform who sought freedom for the region, and was brutally murdered to the strains of hip-hop music by a legion of Saudi assassins. And it was all recorded on his Apple Watch.

If you're interested in the facts, instead of the fake news, you probably already know that Jamal Khashoggi was a Muslim Brotherhood leader an an old friend of Osama bin Laden.

He's being mourned by the media that backed the Muslim Brotherhood.

And, as Jordan Schachtel has dug up, he quite clearly supported the Hamas war on Israel. Not surprising as Hamas is a branch of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Here's the media's Muslim Brotherhood martyr celebrating Hamas and its genocidal war to wipe out the Jews.

Jamal Khashoggi Cheered Hamas' War on Israel


PREMO Member
And we are talking about facts here.

1. Jamal Khashoggi is a Muslim Brotherhood figure.

2. His Afghanistan "journalism" was Jihadi propaganda.

3. He remained a supporter of Islamic terrorism


4. He was an old friend of Osama bin Laden and mourned his death

These are all facts. The media huffs and puffs, but all it has in response is innuendo and arm waving. The Washington Post gave Jamal Khashoggi a forum to promote the Muslim Brotherhood and its agenda, Its response to the facts about Jamal Khashoggi would make the North Koreans wince at the lack of subtlety.


Well-Known Member
And we are talking about facts here.

1. Jamal Khashoggi is a Muslim Brotherhood figure.

2. His Afghanistan "journalism" was Jihadi propaganda.

3. He remained a supporter of Islamic terrorism


4. He was an old friend of Osama bin Laden and mourned his death

These are all facts. The media huffs and puffs, but all it has in response is innuendo and arm waving. The Washington Post gave Jamal Khashoggi a forum to promote the Muslim Brotherhood and its agenda, Its response to the facts about Jamal Khashoggi would make the North Koreans wince at the lack of subtlety.

I don't know much about Khashoggi the rights or the wrongs of it. It seems the Saudi's thought he was working against them and got rid of him.
I seem to remember an American working with ISIS that bothered Obama and we sent a rocket over and got rid of him. Kind of blew him to pieces .

Now I won't argue the right and wrong of that but maybe since this guy is not an American and was a Saudi we should let the Saudis worry about him.

Of course his being a " Journalist" sends shivers down the weak and twisted spine of the WAPO, but is that a reason for us to intervene?