Voter Ethical Delima



Just wondered what everyone else thought...because so many of the offices we vote for I dont think have any effect on us what so ever.

If someone goes to vote shoud they pick a canidate for a race they dont care about or know anything about any of the canidates?

How many say hmmmm he sounds Irish, Itallian, Jewish, Hindu Ill vote for him (or her).

You hear people all the time say vote, but what if you dont like anyone running? Should you still vote?


I have no dilema. Everyone on this board knows that I love to complaign about stuff, and if you don't vote you lose your right to complaign about how screwed up things are. :biggrin:


I understand what your saying... Personally I think it's best to skip a section on the ballot if you know nothing about the candidates running.
I'm sure ton's of damage is done in every election by random voting.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

I agree one shouldn't vote for a person they know nothing about but isn't also fair to say that one persons "tons of damage" is another persons "prayers answered"?

To me, the whole point is to have an open, honest, hotly contested election that, when the smoke clears, we all come together as citizens knowing we ALL did our part by, at the very least, being informed and voting and then we celebrate our culture.

No animosity, reasonable animosity, can exist when you know that 100% of your fellow citizens participated and 51% chose against your wishes.

I'm Bruz, no vote, no voice and we all know to many people who will complain about everything and then do nothing, IE participate, in our system that is the very apparatus for effecting change, based on the vote.

Yay for US! That's United States!


Personally, I vote for the candidates that I know about and skip the rest.