VFD door-to-door fundraising

Snow Shovel

New Member
Is this on the level? Last week someone came by the house saying he was collecting for one of the local fire departments. Offered me a sheet of paper in a document protector that explained the fundraiser. Said this paper was "proof" that the fundraiser was legit.

I don't mind contributing to the local fire department; can't thinkof a more worthy cause. Just don't want to be duped. I have lived down here a number of years and have never seen anything like this. Lived in a number of places that relied on volunteer fire departments; never seen it any where else.

So what is the collective wisdom here, is this a legitimate fundraiser?


Be about it
Which fire dept?

Did you take note of which VFD the people were representing? It would just take a couple minutes to give the VFD a quick call to see if they're running any fundraisers, then you'd know for sure!


yeah yeah
Also, you can drill them by asking, who is the supervisor of this fund-raiser event. If they say themselves, do what lauren said, if they give you a name...ask for that person when you call the VFD


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
In Calvert they send you an envelope in the mail for donations.


In Charles County, they do come door to door. I make a donation every year and then they stick a sticker on my mailbox, so another person will not come around and ask for another donation. When you write the check, you make the check out to the fire department, otherwise, you don't make a donation. Of course you don't give cash or credit card numbers. When it doubt, call the fire department and ask. I am sure you can drop off a donation to them, if you don't feel comfortable with the door to door thing. Good Luck!


Doin the duty for you....
Fund Raising

We at the Lex Park Rescue Squad send out letters in the mail each year and also have people go door-to-door for out picture fundraiser. Where you can donate and come in to get a family Portrait package taken. Our door-to-door people do have literature explaining everything as well as ID for the solicitors.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
What bugs me is the so called organizations that solicit for the Sherrif and Fire Departments via phone. What pisses me off is that they get snotty when I say no thanks and that I will donate directly to my local departments, not some middle man.

I have read several stories that report that most of the money goes to the telemarketing company and only a small amount goes to the actual departments.

Snow Shovel

New Member
As I recall, the guy said it was for Lex Park, but I thought that the name of the fire department was something like Bay Country, or Bay District. That was part of my confusion.

I live in Town Creek; would that be Lex Park? I think as others have said here, a phone call would make me feel better about the whole thing.



Originally posted by Snow Shovel
As I recall, the guy said it was for Lex Park, but I thought that the name of the fire department was something like Bay Country, or Bay District. That was part of my confusion.

I live in Town Creek; would that be Lex Park? I think as others have said here, a phone call would make me feel better about the whole thing.


If you live in Town Creek, it was Bay District... Company 9... just call the station and ask.


Doin the duty for you....
Originally posted by Snow Shovel
As I recall, the guy said it was for Lex Park, but I thought that the name of the fire department was something like Bay Country, or Bay District. That was part of my confusion.

I live in Town Creek; would that be Lex Park? I think as others have said here, a phone call would make me feel better about the whole thing.


The fire dept in Lexington Park is called Bay District Vol. Fire Dept. Hope that clears it up for ya


You're all F'in Mad...
Originally posted by RoseRed
What bugs me is the so called organizations that solicit for the Sherrif and Fire Departments via phone. What pisses me off is that they get snotty when I say no thanks and that I will donate directly to my local departments, not some middle man.

It's funny how our phone is never working correctly when a telemarketer calls...

Me: "Hello??? Hello??? There's no one there...." Then I hang up!

No telemarketer, and my mother wouldn't disown me because I wasn't directly rude to the guy on the other end.


"Fill your hands you SOB!

I am a member of the Bay District Volunteer Fire Department and we are NOT going door-to-door seeking donations!!!!!

Scums like this make it hard for us to raise funds legitmately. It is illegal what they are doing...if anyone trys to solicit for cash donations please call the fire department to verify it is legit. The firehouse phone number is (301)863-8790 (California station) or (301)737-0654 (Lexington Park station).

The real name is the Bay District Volunteer Fire Department and the Lexington Park Volunteer Rescue Squad for your area. We used to do door-to-door at one time, but that was many years ago. We don't do it that way anymore. The rescue squad DOES do door-to-door with their portrait packages.

Please email me at baydistrictvfd@yahoo.com with the details about this scum***. He needs to be put away!


My Sweetest Boy
Prince Frederick

A few years ago a fellow came by our house with all this id, etc. He didn't say he was a member of the VFD and he didn't say he wasn't UNTIL I questioned him. PFVRD had HIRED this gentleman and an organization to do the fundraising for the fire department. I don't think they do this anymore, I think it really didn't set well the with public. I belive we get an envelope now.


I gave to the Fraternal Order of Police after I first moved to Lex Park via a telemarketer. That was a mistake. Afterwords I started getting calls from every organization you could think of, asking for money. I refuse to give to them anymore. I don't like it when my name is given out as a free cash cow when I am trying to be generous to some organization. They still call two or three times a year, but I just hang up on them.


Originally posted by Voter2002

I am a member of the Bay District Volunteer Fire Department and we are NOT going door-to-door seeking donations!!!!!


Please email me at baydistrictvfd@yahoo.com with the details about this scum***. He needs to be put away!

Hi Voter2002!
From a gal in Ridge!


"Fill your hands you SOB!
Snow Shovel:

I've sent this to you already privately by regular email, but I'll post it here also for everyone else to see...

The Lexington Park Volunteer Rescue Squad IS currently conducting a legitimate door-to-door fund raising campaign for their organization. In exchange for a donation (check or cash), they give out certificates for portrait package at the rescue squad building.

If the solicitor told you he was raising funds for the fire department, he was in error and the rescue squad has already taken steps to correct that.

All - please consider supporting your rescue squads and fire departments any way you can. At least here in Southern Maryland, they are all-volunteer and put in hundreds of hours of training and time assisting you - the public. If you ever have any question if a fund-raising campagain is real or not, please call your local department directly.

Thanks all! :biggrin:


American Beauty
PREMO Member
I was told by a local judge not to send money to those organizations, but to donate directly to the local station yourself. Not some middle-man (so to speak).


You're all F'in Mad...
Re: Sheriff's Association

Originally posted by vicos
Anyone know anything about this Sheriff's Association? The say they are based in Annapolis. I received a bulk-rate letter asking for donations. The letter mentioned Sheriff Vorhaars name and had his picture I think. I sent them some money.

The Maryland Sheriff's Association, as I understand them, is a political lobbying group. Money doesn't reach actual officers in the field.

I'll second RR's comment that I was also told by a law enforcement officer that if you want to donate, to it locally so that you know the money is actually used in your community. (I practice this with any charitable giving, and hang up on the telemarketers.)