

Football season!
I always get a kick out of reading crime reports.. Lets be believe I have a pretty normal, stable life.. For those who don't get the Post, here are a few from last week..

LEXINGTON PARK, 3:49 p.m. Oct. 27. A girl, 13, assaulted a boy, 7, while he was riding his bike. She was charged with second-degree assault.

Gotta love those tough little girls!

SALAMAUA CT., 9:25 a.m. Oct. 31. Clothing and books were set on fire in a boarded-up building.

No really, we ENJOY walking around naked in the winter.. And books? Who needs them anyways..

ST. INIGOES, 10:20 p.m. Oct. 29. A woman, 21, assaulted another woman at Monks Inn. She was charged with second-degree assault.

hmm. No comment.

RIDGE, 8 p.m. June 23. A man, 38, and a woman, 18, were in a parked vehicle at Point Lookout State Park. The man was charged with two counts of third-degree sex offense.

Honestly officer, he said he was my long lost uncle and that I had been left a family fortune..

John Z

if you will
That last story has me wondering: Two adults having consentual sex in a car - would that result in a "third degree sex offense"? And what is the punishment for that?

Just curious; I'm not planning to partake in such ribald behavior. :biggrin:


You're all F'in Mad...
Originally posted by John Z
That last story has me wondering: Two adults having consentual sex in a car - would that result in a "third degree sex offense"? And what is the punishment for that?

Just curious; I'm not planning to partake in such ribald behavior. :biggrin:

I guess that guy's wife found out...

They probably forgot that the only government approved sex act is performed in the missionary position. Anything and everything else is sodomy.

Why would a cop waste his time with this, unless there were young people witnessing the act? I thought they just had you drive along...


Maybe the Officer just thought that the 18 year old's Daddy should know what his baby was up to.. I say good job I think a nutcase 38 year old should go to jail for doing the nasty with a kid.