Being Saved


New Member
One of the main reasons people don't share their problems is this: they are told they shouldn't have problems - especially after they are saved!

In Hebrews 11, we find a list of people who are often called the heroes of the faith.  On that list you'll see Noah and Abraham and Sarah and Moses and Rahab and Gideon and David and Samuel and all the prophets.  The amazing thing is that every one of these giants of faith had a problem.  The Bible says that some of these heroes were tortured and mocked and scourged and imprisoned and stoned and sawn asunder.  It says they were afflicted and tormented, and that some of them wandered in deserts and lived in caves.  I've lived in some poor places, but I've never lived in a cave.  God's people have problems.  We need to face up to that.  It's not a matter of lack of faith or of not being saved.  It's a fact of life in a fallen world.  Problems come with the turf of a world that has been turned upside down by sin.  The infirm woman's problem was a private problem.  It was not a public problem.  It was a problem that could be covered up.  Oh, we are so good at hiding our problems.  I was once in a meeting where the women were wearing silk dresses and diamond jewelry and sequined jackets.  They were looking good.  But I wasn't fooled.  I knew that every imaginable secret was present in that room.. That room was filled with private problems.

Sister Rape was present. Sister Child Abuse came along. Sister Crack Cocaine was there. Sister Battered Wife was with her. Sister Lesbian showed up. sister Oppressed attended. Sister Depressed was sitting right by her side. All girls were there that night.   They are present in any large gathering of women anywhere in our nation at any time. The fact that you have a problem is not what matters.  What matters is what you choose to do about it.  This women made the right choice about where to take her problem. Now, she didn't make the right choice immediately, but she made it ultimately. She had suffered for twelve years and had spent all her money on doctors.  Be careful who you allow to help you. That person who is so eager to treat you may be after your money. Be careful whom you trust with your problem. That person may not be worthy of your trust.  Be careful whome you invite in to your confidence.  That person may gossip about you behind your back.  Beware of the counsel of the ungodly.  They'll give you plenty of advice, but they can't give you any lasting help.

If you are going to seek out someone to help you, seek out someone who knows the Answer.  Find someone who will say to you, "Jesus is on the way. Jesus is coming. Jesus is the Healer.  Jesus is the Problem-Solver. Jesus is the One who can plug the problem that is draining you dry.  Reach out and touch Him by your faith!"


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PREMO Member
C'mon back TT and keep posting! :)

If it wasn't for people like you getting the word out, I never would have found my way to Jesus.  Back when I was an unsaved teenager my mentor said that Christians would be persecuted again in the future.  I didn't believe her.  She asked me if someone were to hold a gun to my head and shoot if I didn't renounce Jesus, would I, to save my life?  I would have too, I thought she was crazy for asking me that.  Now I know that if I did, I would be just as dead.  Life is just the test.  My walk with the Lord is an ongoing process; some are ahead of me and some are behind.  At one time or another everyone stumbles but the road is long and ya just gotta keep on going.

I was born and raised a *xxx* and I went to *xxx* church all my life and never learned anything and they kept changing the rules, so I quit.  They never tell you that you can quit a certain religion; it's like you'll go to hell or something bad will happen to you.  Well plenty of bad things had already happened to me so life couldn't get much worse--or so I thought at the time.
Anyway, I started to remember what my mentor had told me many years back and picked up the Bible for myself.  The walk is very personal and you can't convince anyone of anything.  It's like leading a horse to water...I had been led there so long ago and I finally started to drink.  I did join a different church a few years later but I soon left that one too.  Organized religion just lacks so much that God really wants us to understand, which is one reason that Christians always seem to be fighting over who is right or wrong.  This is where the real message gets lost and others get turned off to Christianity.

By the way, being "saved" doesn't cure you of all your problems.  In the past 4 years my life took a turn downhill again.  I was diagnosed with a major illness which required excruciating treatment, of which I have been cleared of for the past 2 1/2 years.  Then, at the very same time my daughter developed major psychological problems which affected the whole family.  I didn't have time to feel pity for myself and my problem, she needed all my resources.  I helped her through 5 p$ychiatrists (they don't agree either) and different medications. The last time she was ho$pitalized for 15 months, she just returned this past August and is doing better.  I never would have been able to go through any of this and still be sane without my faith in Jesus.   

To the naysayers of Christianity I say, "Just scroll on by, move along, nothing to see here."


Nothing to see here
Quote: from Sharon on 4:06 pm on Nov. 27, 2001[br]   To the naysayers of Christianity I say, "Just scroll on by, move along, nothing to see here."

Do you really think they will listen? Frankly, I'm not a religous person but I am able to sort out what I want to read on my own. Go fer it, TT, I enjoy reading them, plus the added bonus of seeing the forum nazis gripe about your posts make my day. :)


Lead Penguin
Quote: from Sharon on 4:06 pm on Nov. 27, 2001[br] In the past 4 years my life took a turn downhill again.  I was diagnosed with a major illness which required excruciating treatment, of which I have been cleared of for the past 2 1/2 years.  

Congrats on your success.  I am happy for ya!! :cheesy:

If this is too personal, I won't be offended if you don't answer.  Was your daughter's psychological problems in response to your health conditions?... If you don't want to post publicly, you can always use the messenger to inform me.

I am glad to hear that your faith and spirituality have aided you in dealing with your hard times. :)  Stay strong!


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PREMO Member
AP, my daughter's psychosis was independent of my health problem.  She had so many psychological disorders at one time, it was hard to diagnose and treat as an out-patient.  She still requires therapy and medication.  


Lead Penguin

Sorry to hear that she still requires therapy.  I hope the situation gets better.  Remember that everything happens for a reason.  Sometimes things don't make sense to us (especially the hard times), but there is a higher power that knows what's best.  I remind myself of that from time to time ...and I find comfort in that.