Democratic Tax Increases


New Member
The hardest part about this party is that too often we turn to increasing taxes in order to save the budget. I am open to increasing the income tax (I would be willing to pay it) and the excise tax but not the sales tax. I have seen others criticize it as a regressive tax and I have to agree with those people. After all, we did cut income taxes ten percent a couple of years back. Ehrlich's reliance on slots is definitely not enough either. I just don't know how they should close the gap...Any ideas?


Originally posted by demsformd
I just don't know how they should close the gap...Any ideas?

Reduce the size of government. Reduce the "PORK" spending.
Reduce the size of the governments hand in my pocket. Reduce or eliminate welfare ,,, sorry Charlie ,, no free lunch! Reduce the constant cash flow to other countries. Increase security on the borders. Stop "sin" or "user" taxes.
We need to hold the boys in DC hands to the fire. Stop spending our money like it is yours.:burning:


CAGW Boos Dems

CAGW Boos Congressional Democrats for Pushing to Increase Omnibus Spending Bill
"Aren't these the same folks who say government can't afford
lower taxes?" asks Schatz

(Washington, D.C.) -- Citizens Against Government Waste (CAGW) today sharply criticized Democrats in Congress for pushing to increase federal funds by as much as $10 billion as the Senate prepares to debate a $385 billion package of left-over fiscal 2003 appropriations bills from the previous Congress that the majority Republicans hope to pass this week.

"Democratic leaders in Congress are obviously drawing the wrong lesson from the last election," CAGW President Tom Schatz said. "While fiscal conservatives and advocates of budget and tax reform won in November, some big spenders think they lost because they just didn't fight hard enough to keep government spending up and taxes high. If they persist in siding with the Washington special interests and bureaucrats against taxpayers, this era is going to be a tough for them."

To honor spending limits President Bush has demanded, the Senate GOP would pare $9.8 billion from a version written by Democrats when they controlled the Senate last year, but never enacted into law. If the Democrats get their way, that differential would balloon into about $115 billion in higher spending over the next decade.

"The ink is barely dry on the president's bold economic stimulus proposal, and Democrats are screaming for more money," Schatz continued. "It is time to pass this year's appropriations at the $385 billion level and call it a day."

Schatz also called on Congress to rededicate itself to budget and spending reform.

"Instead of always increasing spending far beyond inflation, our leaders need to consider ways to cut spending to make room for needed expenditures on defense and economic stimulus," Schatz said. "When a budget is rife with as much duplication, waste, mismanagement, pork, and corporate welfare as is the federal government's, taxpayers need leaders who will challenge the big spending status quo, not call for more on top of more."

"And what about deficits? Democrats have decried rising budget shortfalls, but now they want spending increases," Schatz added. "It seems 'fiscal discipline' applies only when tax cuts are on the table."

"Democrats are in a circular firing squad here," Schatz concluded. "If they really want to stand up before American voters and say tax relief is unaffordable but a larger Washington bureaucracy is essential, Republicans should let them."

Citizens Against Government Waste is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization dedicated to eliminating waste, fraud, mismanagement and abuse in government. Its annual Prime Cuts publication recommends 548 cuts to the federal budget that would save $1.2 trillion over the next five years.


CCAGW Lauds Bush

CCAGW Lauds Bush Stimulus Measure
Tax cuts should be accompanied by cutting back wasteful government programs

(Washington, D.C.) - The Council for Citizens Against Government Waste (CCAGW) today applauded President Bush's $674 billion economic stimulus as a positive step towards economic stimulation and tax simplification.

"The president's proposal to end double taxation of dividends and accelerate the 2001 tax rate cuts makes economic sense and will be a win for taxpayers, investors, and the economy as a whole," CCAGW President Tom Schatz said. "We urge Congress to move quickly to enact these reasonable proposals, which amount to $67 billion annually, a drop in the bucket in a $10 trillion economy."

CCAGW also countered those who claim the U.S. cannot afford tax reduction.

"Over the next decade, the federal government will spend about $30 trillion by current estimates," Schatz continued. "This stimulus package represents approximately 2.2 percent of total outlays, which will only be missed by the big-spending status quo in Washington. The bottom line is, without strong economic growth and job creation, budgets will never balance. With growth, fewer people depend on government services, more receipts flow into Uncle Sam's coffers, and balance is restored. While the President's plan is substantial, the economy would be given an even greater charge by including a reduction in the capital gains tax, as well as making the 2001 tax cuts permanent."

"In addition to the stimulus plan, CCAGW urges President Bush to build on the bold steps he has taken to restrain spending and make additional reductions in federal outlays," Schatz continued. "The President should continue to focus attention on the thousands of outdated, duplicative, unnecessary, and poorly administered government programs and agencies. By CAGW's tally, across-the-board government reform would save $1.2 trillion over the next five years alone. The White House should not only fight to reinvigorate the economy, but restore America's government to a more appropriate size and shape."

The Council for Citizens Against Government Waste is the lobbying arm of Citizens Against Government Waste, the nation's largest nonpartisan, nonprofit organization dedicated to eliminating waste, fraud, abuse, and mismanagement in government.