DNR Answers Your Questions about Sea Level Rise


Staff member
DNR scientists have been working for more than a decade to better understand both climate change and sea level rise and how these phenomena will impact the state’s coastline. To learn more about effects of sea level rise, what parts of Maryland are considered the most vulnerable, and DNR’s Sea Level Rise Response Strategy for the State of Maryland visit http://www.dnr.maryland.gov/dnrnews/infocus/sealevel_rise.asp


New Member
My take on the report.

We in SOMD have a bigger problem with natural land subsiding. Global warming is not a factor here.


Red Alert - Gravity Shortage !

Yes Folks, that's right !
The earth is being depleted of Gravity !
gravity is caused by a substance named GR12. Unfortunately, the world is running out of GR12.

So we all have to lighten up a little, but don't let this news weigh you down.
Let's all pitch in to save our Gravity.
Carry around some helium baloons tomorrow !

Remember, Your friend Jiminy Gravity says "Help us save our Gravity !!!"
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