Tulip Thief



Hi I am new :biggrin:

I could really use someones help with dealing with my tulips. I was away for a night and returned to my tulips being broken off and some stolen. This is my first year having tulips. Will those that have been cut/broken off die? Can I move them w/o harming? :burning: I could actually :barf: i was soOooo upset


Be about it
Originally posted by no1benton
I was away for a night and returned to my tulips being broken off and some stolen.

:howdy: Hi there and welcome.

Ugh, the nerve of some people!!!! I'm so sorry your tulips were tortured and taken (heehee), but hopefully like Cari said they'll be just fine!


Thank you both very much. Well, I'm off to move 'em to the backyard. So much for trying to make it pretty out front.:rolleyes:


Princess of Mean
I had tulips stolen by squirrels and the dogs ate the bulbs too. Good luck keeping the critters (human thieves and animals) away!


Princess of Mean
They were on my 2nd story balcony in a pot. My dachshund would try to eat the bulbs every time we would sit out there and finally, the squirrels got them. I gave up on tulips a while ago.


Be about it
So squirrels will eat the tulips??!! I'm pretty much a garden-tard, and am trying to learn about flowers, etc... so that I'll be ready when we move into our house in a couple of mos. I'm probably going to get Wentworth's to come out and give us their free 'suggested landscaping plan', though, so I'll have a starting point.


Lauren, :lol: I guess I will be learning right along with you. With me being in school for the last 3 years, I have just forgotten everything and I didn't know much to begin with. In the past 2 weeks, I have been getting my hands dirty in the yard and going to various places reading about the different plants and flowers.