J6 - total farce??? Must watch video!!!


The one thing I will say about those right of center, the digital solders have the best at memes and videos. :yay:



And yes, Tucker was fired from Fox just before his original interview with Steven Sund could be aired.

I mentioned on here knowing Sund personally.

My father knew him well but I never told him who my father was.



Ask your "WHY" they would create a farce that day?

Good question

7 states sent a 2nd set of electors, why? Because fraud in the 2020 election was suspected and the time between Nov to Jan didn't allow proper investigation. Pence had a choice that day.

After the escalation of violence, the 2nd set wasn't even considered.

There were a few ways that could have been settled.





Trump has filed a motion in the January 6th indictment case seeking all information about the FBI informants & undercover agents that were there in the crowd.

They are claiming to have already identified several Ukrainian assets and federal assets in the J6 crowd.

I believe the Ukrainian assets are seen in my #3 posting in this thread. videos I saw that day had these guys speaking Russian. People were pulling 4chan/8chan videos and posting them. You know that they were most likely obtained by shady means. It will be interesting to see if those resurface.
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A picture taken of the crew that was working in the tunnel BEFORE the drama unfolded. Trash scattered around sets the stage - who does this???
