
Twenty years ago, when I was breastfeeding for the first time, I attended LaLeche meetings, for support.  A girl I will never forget told us a story of how she handled her brother-in-law's inappropriate comments about her breastfeeding baby.  She told him to get his mind out of the gutter; that God had provided women with breasts and our bodies with a way of producing the very best food for our babies.  The babies naturally knew how to nurse, to get the milk and it was also beneficial for a women's postnatal body.  She explained all the benefits of nutrition and bonding, and then told him that any enjoyment he received from a woman's breasts were just a bonus gift from God!  It shut him up.
While some folks are uncomfortable in the company of nursing mothers, with experience, a mother can be discreet enough to nurse without anyone even realizing it.  It is a personal decision to be made by the mother, with support from those close to her and I don't feel anyone has a right to say when or where it can be done.
I breastfed my daughter (who is now 22 months) for the first six months.  The first couple of times were a little weird.  But soon I was a pro at it.  I still remember the little nasty comments from woman who were not secure with themselves.  Why else would someone care?  Most of the comments were something like " That's why we have bathrooms"  and "Eww, look at her", mind you these came from grown women.  I was 21 at the time.  

I always 'hooked up' in the bathroom, and then went on with what I had to do.  Sometimes you couldn't even tell I was breastfeeding because I had a snuggly (front-carrier) that would hide everything.  I always made sure my skin wasn't showing.  I can't believe the poll results are favoring NOT breastfeeding in public.  Shows how immature some people are.  All's I was trying to do was feed my baby, but I guess that made some people feel uncomortable.  All I can say is "OH WELL".


Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member

Maybe something has happened in the last ten minutes or so but I show the results to be 74 for and 36 against.  I agree with all of you that this is just natural and if anyone can walk down the street devouring a Big Mac then little Junior should be able to gulp away from Momma whenever and wherever.  
The survey question is "do you feel comfortable . . ." and the majority say yes.  I hope everyone reads it clearly before answering.

I received a suggestion from my father in law that I should 'do that' in the bathroom.  I very calmly (with clenched teeth) asked him if he liked eating his meals in the bathroom.  In public places, sometimes if there was a couch or comfortable chair in the ladies room, I would go there, but it is pretty easy to be descreet if you know what clothes to wear, how to turn your body, drape a blanket, etc.

I don't feel a nursing mom should have to stay home for fear of offending someone else.


New Member
I never nursed my daughter--I only bottle fed her.  

Personally, I don't want to be at a restaurant, enjoying a nice dinner and have to see some ladies boob.  Yes, it is a natural thing, but inappropriate at certain times.
I'm sorry you missed one of the greatest experiences in the world.

Would you normally look at a woman's chest while dining in a restaurant?  Of course not, so focus on her face, or someplace else.

Occasionally part of a breast is visible while a baby is nursing, but generally the baby has the entire nipple in his/her mouth and a mother would position her top to cover the rest of the breast.  When a baby is real small, a blanket can be draped over his/her head.  When they get a little older, they don't want to miss anything, so the blanket is gone.  And, there are times when a baby will become distracted and pull away from the breast suddenly, bringing exposure.  

Personally, I am more offended by provocative dressing which exposes parts of the body for no obvious purpose!  At least there is a definite purpose in breastfeeding.


New Member

Me, miss out?  I think not!  Sorry, but I didn't want to worry about my boobs leaking all the time.  Talk about embarassing. :lol:
You are right, breast milk does sometimes leak out, either when the breasts are too full, or in reaction to something emotional, like your own or someone else's baby crying.  It's a small price to pay for the relationship you develop with your child.  I'm sure you have a wonderful relationship with your daughter and I don't mean to take anything away from that, but for me, the ability to nurture my children from my own body was nothing short of a miracle.

Nursing may not be for everyone.  I would never try to convince someone to do it if they were reluctant, but it was right for me and I would fight for that right if necessary.

It is a feeling like none other when the one and only thing that can comfort an upset baby is to be at his own mother's breast.
that's why they make nursing pads...for leaks.  Luckily I never had to use them because I never leaked.  My daughter nursed like 23 hours a day...they didn't have the time to get over filled.  

Teddy Bear,
I agree it is a great feeling.  It's actually very comforting for the mother and the baby.   I don't think I'm having any more kids but if I was I would definitely breastfeed again and for longer period of time.
I had a child like that, wanted to nurse 24/7, then all of a sudden, at 9 months, didn't want to have anything to do with it.  He had never had a bottle in his mouth and refused the sippy cup.  I worked full time teaching him to use the cup and sneaking in a nursing when he was almost asleep.  My last one was very cooperative and nursed 15 months.  I tell him now, at 14 years of age, that he would still be nursing if I hadn't made the decision to wean!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I nursed both of my kids and fed them wherever they happened to get hungry, be it the mall, a restaurant, wherever.  I always stuffed the kid under my shirt in an attempt at discretion.  But there was always someone who would look at me, wonder why I had a baby stuffed under my shirt, then get embarrassed when they realized.  Oh well, too bad.  So many people have such tacky things they do in public that I can't get excited about a little breastfeeding.

Sxy, it's not even an Earth Mother thing that makes you want to nurse - it's a pure convenience factor.  Breastfeeding was just a little too easy, especially when I looked at the rigamarole bottle-Moms went through.  And your boobs only leak temporarily - once the feeding thing regulates you only let down when the baby is actively initiating the process.


New Member
I found bottle feeding very convenient for me.  If I traveled, I always carried a few extra bottles with me.  I never had to embarass myself, or people around me with sticking my boobs out for all to see.  All I had to do was take the cap off the bottle.  I didn't have to stuff a baby under my shirt, undo my bra or whatever other complications came from breast feeding.

Breastfeeding may be for some, but not for me.  If I ever have another child, it's going to be the bottle for him/her, also.
And you certainly have the right to make that decision.  I like to travel, also and knew that I didn't have to worry about taking enough bottles, finding a place to heat them up or keep them refrigerated or making the baby wait while I got the bottle ready.  I never bought one ounce of formula and enjoyed eating like I was still pregnant and losing weight because of the nursing.

Certainly there are plenty of good reasons to bottle feed and if someone chooses to do that, it's her decision.  But for me--the breast is best.


The Original Lilly
I breast fed my kids and would definately do it again.  I only went for about 6 to 9 months though and weaned as we started introducing more and more solid food.  
First child was lactose intolerant - when we weaned and switched to formula he got very sick ended up having to buy very expensive formula for the remaining part of the year.  Asked his doctor what would have happened had we bottle-fed from the beginning, his answer:  My child would have been much sicker as he was younger, probably would have been harder to diagnose and have lost a dangerous amount of weight at a critical time due to his inability to keep the formula down.  By the time he had been diagnosed it probably would have been too late to begin breast-feeding and we would have had to buy that expensive formula ($7 for 21 oz - about a days worth) for a whole year instead of just a few months.  BTW:  At 12 mos we moved on to whole milk and he transitioned beautifully - just needed his system to mature.


SxyPrincess on 11:50 am on Mar. 13, 2002[br]I found bottle feeding very convenient for me.  If I traveled, I always carried a few extra bottles with me.  I never had to embarass myself, or people around me with sticking my boobs out for all to see.  All I had to do was take the cap off the bottle.  I didn't have to stuff a baby under my shirt, undo my bra or whatever other complications came from breast feeding.

Breastfeeding may be for some, but not for me.  If I ever have another child, it's going to be the bottle for him/her, also.

Too bad you feel like your "embarrassment", and simple complications was more important than the benefits of breastfeeding your child.

While it is your opinion, and choice, why would you want to downplay someone who chooses to do something so natural and right? Arent you reading what people have said that most of the time, you do not see the womans breast??  Also, you can now pump, and feed through a bottle as well....

Too many people see this as a taboo.. or see the breasts as more of a sexual object.


Chairman of the Board
Where does she downplay what anyone else does? She mentions what she did. She says it's not for her, even if it may be for someone else. To my ears, that's about as non-judgmental as you can get.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
I nursed my daughter for only 2-3 weeks, I had to much trouble with it and not producing enough, so I switched to formula.  I myself preferred to do it in private, don't like to draw to much attention to myself, but when my sister had her daughter, she would nurse when and wherever.  


Do I feel comfortable seeing a woman breastfeeding in public?  NO.  Is the world here to make me feel comfortable?  BIG FAT HAIRY NO!

Just because I don't care to see this doesn't mean that it is wrong or that they shouldn't.  I will leave or move where I cannot see it if possible, but if not its not that big of a deal.  That is my option, you can't tell me I am WRONG for not wanting to 'hang around for the show'.  (well you can tell me, but then I will just think you are wrong, no one can dictate how I feel)

Those that say it is perfectly natural - well so is urination and defecation, but I don't care to watch.  Those that say "look at her face" well HELLO your eyes are attracted to movement - human nature - animal nature - evolved from survival as a self defense mechanism!!!!  So now I am supposed to fight what is natural to me to make them more comfortable.

For example, I was at a wedding last year.  Walk in the bathroom and a friend is there breast feeding (her choice to go in there - she liked the quiet).  When I go to leave she wants to strike up a conversation. I am not rude, even though I am not totally comfortable (not totally uncomfortable either - I mean, I am not radical about this) I stay and talk. YES, I am looking at her face, talking to HER, but when the baby moves/pulls away/she shifts - I glance - can't help it. Neither of us is wrong, but you ask if I am comfortable with it - the answer is still no.  My life, my choice, her life, her choice and I respect that.


BTW, no kids - no plan for kids - but if something miraculously happens and I have one I would want to breastfeed.  I agree with all the benefits mentioned here.  BUT, I would CHOOSE not to do it in public, all moms should have that choice and not be repremanded for it.

And yes, I was one of the girls in the locker room that dressed in the shower stall :blushing: .  I care way too much about what other people think, can't help it.  