We all knew it wasn't really "reality" television


Asperger's Poster Child
This article is about angry sistas, but at least the reporter seems to recognize that the real problem is greed and a lack of imagination by TV producers:

...pause and ponder the prefab nature of Reality TV, where the participants, grasping for those Warholian nanoseconds of fame, manufacture an Image, the better to garner maximum airtime.

And so we have stock characters: The small-town naif struggling to hold onto those down-home values -- not to mention his/her virginity. The bumbling bigot who doesn't realize that he's an Archie Bunker in the making. The Troubled Soul who's one step away from rehab. The Vamp/Party Girl who likes to toss back the shots, especially if that means slurping tequila out of someone's navel. And then there's the (Sista With an Attitude's) male counterpart: The Brother With an Attitude, aka The Angry Black Man.