From Jay Leno


New Member
"You read about all these  terrorists, most of them
came here legally, but they  hung around on these
expired visas, some for as long  as 10-15 years. Now,
compare that to Blockbuster;  you are two days late
with a video and these people  are all over you. Let's
put Blockbuster in charge of  immigration."
-- Jay Leno

"This Osama bin Laden guy, spoiled rich  kid worth
$300M. I have three words for this guy:  Anna Nicole
Smith. We send her over there, she'll  get his money,
he'll be dead in a week."
-- Jay Leno

"I don't mean to harp on this, but it's  like the
networks are a how-to manual for  terrorists. You see
them on the news. This reporter  is standing outside a
water treatment plant, going,  'If they poured the
poison here it could wipe out  thousands because the
guard is off duty from noon  until 1 every day!'"
-- Jay Leno