Okay Ladies (and lurking men)



I have no problem saying that I have HPV. It's actually a very common viral infection, but some of the strains are more dangerous than others. When I was diagnosed over 20 years ago, I was told that 80% of the females on campus had tested positive for it. This is another reason for the guys to wrap it, and for us to all be more careful. In men, it CAN cause warts...in women, it CAN cause warts (you get them burned off...EWW!) but also cervical cancer :dead: In many cases, people never get the warts, but pass the virus from partner to partner. I've been dysplasic, but my latest paps are clear. A girlfriend sent me this link tonight, and I did want to share. I can't wait to get my bracelet! :banana: I will continue to :blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah: about it. Some on here have already had this conversation with me, and I never asked for it to be kept secret. I am thrilled that there is now a movement about it so more people can be educated and protected.

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New Member
Wenchy said:
I have no problem saying that I have HPV. It's actually a very common viral infection, but some of the strains are more dangerous than others. When I was diagnosed over 20 years ago, I was told that 80% of the females on campus had tested positive for it. This is another reason for the guys to wrap it, and for us to all be more careful. In men, it causes warts...in women, it can cause warts (you get them burned off...EWW!) but also cervical cancer :dead: I've been dysplasic, but my latest paps are clear. A girlfriend sent me this link tonight, and I did want to share. I can't wait to get my bracelet! :banana: I will continue to :blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah: about it. Some on here have already had this conversation with me, and I never asked for it to be kept secret. I am thrilled that there is now a movement about it so more people can be educated and protected.

How do you get HPV?


New Member
Wenchy said:
Unprotected sex.
Gotcha. When I was in HS someone told me you got it from rough sex...now that I think about it, I think that was PID. I cant remember :frown:


OMG! I just saw the HPV commercial tonight and it freaked me out! I'm scheduleing a check up for next week! :huggy:


New Member
Kain99 said:
OMG! I just saw the HPV commercial tonight and it freaked me out! I'm scheduleing a check up for next week! :huggy:
I dont think it counts if you're married silly. You've been married forever.


StarCat said:
Gotcha. When I was in HS someone told me you got it from rough sex...now that I think about it, I think that was PID. I cant remember :frown:
Rough sex can give you an UTI (Urinary tract infection) PID (Pelvic inflammatory disease) has many different causes:


Chlamydia was a big one on campus back in the late 80's.


StarCat said:
I dont think it counts if you're married silly. You've been married forever.
No silly... HPV leads to cancer. You can have it for decades and have no idea!


New Member
It can cause warts. Can being the key word. For the most part, there are no signs or symptoms. There is no test for men, but it poses no risk to them either, just women. It does and will increase your chances of getting cervical cancer.

Women are being tested at their annual PAPS now at most offices. They have been doing it in my office for the past 5 or so now, which was prior to other offices jumping on the ban wagon to test for it.

Wenchy, all I got to say is that you are very brave to come out with this. :huggy: VERY!


New Member
Kain99 said:
No silly... HPV leads to cancer. You can have it for decades and have no idea!
:ohwell: And I thought I was lucky, with all the unprotected sex I've had, to not get it. Now ya tell me, I could have it.


StarCat said:
:ohwell: And I thought I was lucky, with all the unprotected sex I've had, to not get it. Now ya tell me, I could have it.
AIDS can lie dormant for 12 years... Just an FYI. :flowers:


New Member
morganj614 said:

Google it and if your child is female, a vaccine has been on the news. It should be out soon but it needs to be done before a female become sexually active. The news said ages 8-13 should get the vaccine. Don't you people watch the news? :shrug:
I dont watch the news :ohwell: I have enough depressing stuff to worry about without having to find out who is getting murdered up the street in DC, which is usually what the news is dominated with.


New Member
Kain99 said:
AIDS can lie dormant for 12 years... Just an FYI. :flowers:
:smack: I dont wanna know this stuff. When it comes to health, I'm :lalala: I would rather just fall over dead than die from worrying about it.


StarCat said:
I dont think it counts if you're married silly. You've been married forever.

Umm. Yes?

It's still something a woman should get checked.

My mom had a hysterectomy at the age of 35 due to cervical cancer...caused by...HPV. She had an active case when she gave birth to me, and they think I may have gotten it that way. I'll take the blame because I had unprotected sex with a longtime boyfriend who had other partners before me.

The few partners I've had were told before the fact. It was their choice to wrap or not, and to tell their other partners about it once we moved on.

Pap smears are the way to detect it, and to take care of any problems.

Obviously, the best way to prevent is to either abstain, wrap it, or stay with the same partner for life. I am not saying that I am a good role model there.

Ladies? Make sure you make and keep your annual GYN. appt's.


New Member
Wenchy said:
Umm. Yes?

It's still something a woman should get checked.

My mom had a hysterectomy at the age of 35 due to cervical cancer...caused by...HPV. She had an active case when she gave birth to me, and they think I may have gotten it that way. I'll take the blame because I had unprotected sex with a longtime boyfriend who had other partners before me.

The few partners I've had were told before the fact. It was their choice to wrap or not, and to tell their other partners about it once we moved on.

Pap smears are the way to detect it, and to take care of any problems.

Obviously, the best way to prevent is to either abstain, wrap it, or stay with the same partner for life. I am not saying that I am a good role model there.

Ladies? Make sure you make and keep your annual GYN. appt's.
I am terrified of doctors and I know its stupid but I rarely keep an appointment :frown: I havent been since my check up after I had Seannie.


PREMO Member
I just heard on TV: "Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone.

Who else ya going to tell?


morganj614 said:

Google it and if your child is female, a vaccine has been on the news. It should be out soon but it needs to be done before a female become sexually active. The news said ages 8-13 should get the vaccine. Don't you people watch the news? :shrug:

Nope, I read the news on here. Thanks for the info., but it's too late for my Tyger. (past the age) She does know all about it, though.

Others on here will hopefully get their children the vaccine when it's approved. :yay:


DoWhat said:
I just heard on TV: "Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone, Tell someone, Tell someone, Tell Someone.

Who else ya going to tell?

Thank you for helping in this noble cause. You are a sweetheart! :love: