Stupid parents


Not too talkative
So, I'm sitting there in the food court, watching the world walk by. I notice this group of 5 women havng lunch, they have about 7 kids with them ranging in ages of 2 - 4. The kids are a little bored with the moms talking to each other, so they notice the display of mowers. Off the kids go, and start climbing over the riding mowers. The moms just look over every now and then and giggle about how cute their kids are playing.

Now these mowers are not chained down or anything, so while the kids are climbing all over them, they start to roll a little bit. Then one brave kid starts pushing one of them, with the kids still climbing all over it. I am just waiting for one of them to fall off and get hurt - fortunetly nothing bad happens and after about 20 minutes the moms reign the kids in and get ready to leave.

I've been thinking about this most of the afternoon though. So, what is gonna happen when these kids go and visit some ones house who happens to have a riding mower? I know my kids would never climb over my riding mower, but these kids have been led to believe, now, that it is okay to climb all over them.

So now, some day these kids will visit someone who may have just finished mowing the lawn, and maybe left the key in cause they "unsexpectedly" showed up and next thing you know, the mower is running and some kids is really hurt.

Don't these parents think?

Just a pet peeve of mine, parents allowing their kids to play with anything. Then of course I have to tell my kids no they can't do that, and there come back is but those other kids get to do it. My reply is always (loud enough for the mindless parents to hear) "but I love you enough to know it is not a safe thing to be playing on and I don't want you to get hurt."


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
"Maybe that Mommy doesn't love her children as much as I love you."

And quit worrying - unattended children with dipstick Mommies always live long enough to get drug habits and pop out more spawn. I'm surprised the display owner or mall cops or whoever didn't tell them to get their butts off the display.


Not too talkative
Originally posted by vraiblonde
unattended children with dipstick Mommies always live long enough to get drug habits and pop out more spawn.

Actualy it is the stupid lawsuits that results from the parents unwillingness to take responsiblity for there kids actions that come about.


Be about it
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Unattended children with dipstick Mommies always live long enough to get drug habits and pop out more spawn.

You've got that right! The kids of parents who don't watch children well (or just don't care) NEVER seem to get hurt!


Dancing Up A Storm
I have to agree...

Originally posted by laureng
You've got that right!
:frown: I can bear witness to that. I have a sister, who is 3 years older than me(just for background), and I remember her telling me something when we were both about to go off on our own. She was going to college, I went into the military.

She said one day, as we were about to seperate for the first time
in our lives, "I'll never raise my kids as mom and dad did us."
I nodded my head as if I agreed with her, not really knowing what to say.

That didn't dawn on me until years later, when she'd had twins, and I came home on vacation to visit parents, and of course sis was there with the kids

They were about 3 or 4 now, and it seemed as though these two could get into almost anything they wanted to, and it didn't seem to faze her.

It drove my mom crazy, and I wondered when sis was going to do or say something to them.

I can tell you she had problems with them growing up, as the years passed, because they began to fight her more and more, maybe testing her to see how far she'd go.

More parents ought to think about it.