What's inside your keyboard could make you sick


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March 26, 2003 — If you suddenly discovered that something you touch almost every day is riddled with bacteria and germs, filled with greasy food bits, skin flakes, and other nasty unmentionables, you'd probably wonder why it never gets cleaned, right?

Knowing this might make you sick, and in more ways than one.

We're not talking about the handle of a public toilet. We're talking about the computer keyboards that are everywhere in offices and schools. Chances are, if you had a keyboard that's any bit as ordinary and similar to the one we tested here, you'd be appalled to know what's living inside of it.

The Test Subject

At TechTV, we have one computer in particular that is shared by many people. They eat their lunch while working on it, they drink their coffee at the workstation, and who knows what else they do while typing away? It's also near the office bathrooms. In short, we thought it'd make a perfect test subject.

We packaged the keyboard and sent it to the UC Berkeley School of Public Health. Microbiologist Fenyong Liu swabbed the spacebar and cultured the keys in a plain agar dish (agar is a gelatinous material used for bacteria cultures), along with blood-laced agar that helps simulate how bacteria grows in the human body.

"Those harmful bacteria that can affect humans, they pretty much like to grow in the presence of blood, or in the blood stream," said Liu, describing the culture. "So we also included some sheep blood in this culture."

Sandwich and a Side of Strep, Please

Two weeks later, the results showed an immense amount of growth — nasty looking stuff. The agar dishes had big, blob-like growths along with one growth that took over the entire dish.

Liu says he and his researchers were surprised at what they found, describing the findings as "gram-positive… not gram-negative." Translation: Our keyboard was free of growths including E.coli and salmonella, two agents that can cause severe sickness or death. But the cultures did come back with a large proliferation of gram-positive bacteria, which can include staphylococcus. This is the organism behind "staph" infections and an important contributor to skin wound infections. It's also the bug behind strep throat.

Without DNA testing, Liu says he can't tell us if the keyboard actually has the potential to spread these maladies. Still, the large presence of gram-positive bacteria is not a good sign, he said.

Clean Your Desk

"The keyboard is not clean," he said. "So you are working and then you touch your nose and maybe innoculate yourself with the bacteria that causes respiratory infection. Or maybe you bite your nails or drink coffee at the same time so that you ingest the bacteria, which potentially can cause a problem."

Liu says the areas of biggest concern are the high touch zones, the places where your fingers rest and type. Now lots of gross stuff gets down in between the keys, but that's more of a problem for the mechanics of the keyboard than your health. Crumbs and crud cause keys to stick or malfunction, so turning the keyboard upside down and gently whacking the back is a good way to de-crumbify.

Our tests did nothing to address the organisms that cause viral infections, but any surface that comes in contact with saliva from an infected person can transmit a virus.

Germs and bacteria exist everywhere, so it's no wonder they also exist on oft-touched objects such as computer keyboards. The message here: Clean your desk. Using anti-bacterial wipes or alcohol wipes will kill bacteria around your desk. And don't forget the phone, your computer mouse, and all other frequently touched zones.

If you're considering using alcohol, be warned: The black lettering on some keyboards start to come off if you use alcohol too often. And, just to be safe, unplug your keyboard from the back of your computer before cleaning off the keys.



Interesting article Sharon. I will pass this on to my co-workers who share a keyboard.


Lucky for me, I have my own computer, but the front desk has people working rotating shifts and they share a keyboard. :barf:


I've taken a keyboard apart before to try to unstick a key, man was it nasty.

There was dried up beer that I spilled in it 4 years earlier, it was full of hair, dirt, food, little kinky hair (how those got in there I have no idea), and even a squashed fly.

I threw the keyboard away and went and bought a new one.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
OMG! Get a bubble already! :duh: Every so often they come out with these idiotic "news" stories designed to make people start freaking out about germs. GET OVER IT! Your life is a constant barrage of germs - it's one of the things that keeps you from getting sick all the time, building your immune system.

Ever use a public restroom? Try on clothes at the mall? Pick up a box of mac & cheese at the grocery store? Get your mail out of your mailbox? AHHHHHHHH!!! Stranger germs!!!!! :duh: :lol:


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Ever seen a magnification of cheese? Guess what's crawling all over it...cheese mites! :yikes: They taste good, don't they? :lol:

Guess what's crawling in your carpet, bed, on your skin, across your counters and table tops? :biggrin:

How about those germs in your kitchen sponge...do you nuke it everyday to kill the little buggers and viruses?

We did a homeschool experiment a couple years ago and grew germs from around the house in petrie dishes. They were gross in about a week.

Ya feelin' sick yet? :dead:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
It's neurotic to worry about things you can't see or do anything about. Hell, if you knew what was going into your food, you'd starve to death. If you magnified your sheets or mattress to see all the creepy crawlies, you'd REALLY be freaked out.

There are people who do that - are so concerned about germs that they won't go barefoot, even in their own house. Bring their own utensils and glassware to restaurants. Won't use a public restroom.

That sh*t's weird.


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Originally posted by vraiblonde
Hell, if you knew what was going into your food, you'd starve to death.

That is so true: rodent hairs in peanut butter, wiggly things in old cornmeal, and once I came home (lived in base housing) after being gone for a week to find mice in my potatoes.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
When I worked at the Spuds & Greens (twice-baked spuds and salad bar), we used to have roaches like crazy in the potatoes. You had to give the bag a kick before you reached in - dozens of roaches would come scurrying out. In fact, most restaurants have a roach problem - just comes with the territory.

Here's something nice and gross for you:
Demodex folliculorum, or the demodicid, is a tiny mite, less than 0.4 mm long, that lives in your pores and hair follicles, usually on your nose, forehead, cheek, and chin, and often in the roots of your eyelashes. Demodicids have a wormlike appearance, with legs that are mere stumps. That's a picture of one up above.

People with oily skin, or those who use cosmetics heavily and don't wash thoroughly, have the heaviest infestations ... but most adults carry a few demodicids and their eggs. Inflammation and infection often result when large numbers of these mites congregate in a single follicle.

Ooh, yummy! Here's some more:
up to 20 maggots per 100 grams of drained mushrooms; up to five maggots two millimeters (about one-twelfth of an inch) or longer; or 75 mites


Originally posted by vraiblonde
Hell, if you knew what was going into your food, you'd starve to death.

Hehe I use to work in the meat department of a grocery store, you wouldn't believe the things that go on. Food Lion got caught but everybody does it, trust me. Then there is the whole issue about pissing off the butcher hehehe.