Recent content by AnthonyJames

  1. AnthonyJames

    Libs of Ticktok Daily Briefing

    Funniest crap I've seen all day!:roflmao:
  2. AnthonyJames


    How about some potato pics? I hope this doesn't start a fight.:huggy:
  3. AnthonyJames

    Magnitude 4.8 earthquake strikes New Jersey

    Where was Chris Christie?
  4. AnthonyJames


    Well mitzi, you won't even accept my dick pics, so I didn't feel wanted anymore. Old guys have feelings too ya know!
  5. AnthonyJames

    Serious question

    Hide my SPAM and beer from @stgislander
  6. AnthonyJames

    Trump Epstein

    You aspire to be an idiot.
  7. AnthonyJames

    Trump received $7.8 million from foreign governments while President

    Please warn people before you make posts like this.
  8. AnthonyJames

    Drones dropping sex toys

    Perfect idea for Valentines Day. :yay:
  9. AnthonyJames

    Trump Epstein

    Rules for Dimowits - 101. Repeating misinformation makes it true. :yay:
  10. AnthonyJames

    Ghislaine Maxwell

    Wow, that hemihauler guy sure went off the deep end after his father shot him. At least he has his research to occuy his time.
  11. AnthonyJames

    Reached two milestones today

    There are some good programs you can get into. Don't give up!:yay:
  12. AnthonyJames

    Hunter Biden

    Damn, sorry to hear about your wife.
  13. AnthonyJames

    Hunter Biden

    Damn, sorry to hear about your Dad.
  14. AnthonyJames

    Chris Christie

    Throw him a fish.
  15. AnthonyJames

    Jimmy Kimmel launches wild attack on Aaron Rodgers after Jeffrey Epstein jab: 'Hamster-brained man'

    Kimmel can't be very smart if he got himself involved in a pedophile ring. If he didn't, what's he worried about?