Recent content by L'Town.girl

  1. L'Town.girl

    PGPD Suspect from December Fatal Shooting in Custody

    So true. But then we all know exactly how the picture would look.
  2. L'Town.girl

    City of 9,000 people, this is the Mayor

    Planet of the Apes 2025
  3. L'Town.girl

    BJs/Costco/Sam's Club

    IDK. Some guys are all about BJ's. Me not so much. Every now and then, okay I get it. But...
  4. L'Town.girl

    So, Choppy, About That Landslide....

    Didn't they say "Democracy was on the ballot"? Democracy won.
  5. L'Town.girl

    The 47th President of the United States…

    Where's that stmaryshity79? Cat got your tongue?? What's your next name going to be??? choptikook64? Are you okay? Hello?? Please talk to us. Let us know you're okay.
  6. L'Town.girl

    Marylanders swear the most?

    Are you fuggin kidding me?
  7. L'Town.girl


    Shoo them away, quick! They're going to eat all your mice.
  8. L'Town.girl

    Flying squirrels

    They're great little creatures. I hand feed with peanuts, peanut butter and walnuts. They nibble my fingers if there's nothing left. I've learned to make their squeak noises and coax them to come see me right after dusk. I built a 3 level squirrel box and a bunch live inside way up the tree.
  9. L'Town.girl

    He sounds so old

    Watched it. Wow! I don't lean politically either way and generally stay away from political news. After seeing this, Mr Trump has my vote 100%. He's genuine, smart and a true American Patriot. Thanks for sharing!
  10. L'Town.girl

    So I had to visit a location that I don't normally go to...

    The 5th member of KISS??
  11. L'Town.girl

    Celebrity Death Pool

    I could never figure out which one was the officer and which was the gentleman.
  12. L'Town.girl

    Trump roasted at the Oscars

    Those were the dayssssssss.
  13. L'Town.girl

    Old Bowling Alley??

    Indoor go cart track
  14. L'Town.girl

    Happy belated birthday PrchJrkr!

    🎈 Wishing you the Happiest of Birthdays !!!!!!! 🎊