Recent content by PatricksDad

  1. PatricksDad

    Southern Maryland GiveCamp

    The Southern Maryland Give Camp(SoMDGC) held their first event in March of 2010. During this event they had over 100 volunteers and helped 18 nonprofit/not-of-profit organizations. The volunteers came from as far North as New England, as far South as Hampton Roads, VA, and as far West as...
  2. PatricksDad

    Help Needed for upcoming event

    SoMd GiveCamp is looking for non-profit organizations that need free technical assistance. If your organization needs help with . Building website . Graphic design and logo creation . Building volunteer databases . Accounting and fund-raising software . Hosting a forum or on-line...
  3. PatricksDad

    Upcoming event....

    Southern Maryland GiveCamp, a volunteer-run organization that brings together technology professionals to build the technical resources of non-profit organizations, is announcing a GiveCamp weekend to be held in California, MD from March 19th - March 21st 2010. During each GiveCamp...
  4. PatricksDad

    Barack Obama OFFICIALLY Elected 44th President!

    Big Breakfast Electoral College weighs in for Obama - Andy Barr - :dye: Ready for January 20th? I am! :yahoo: I would love to eat a big breakfast on Jan 20 but I really should not. There is someone out there who does not have as much as I do and even though they did not...
  5. PatricksDad

    "Open Office" software

    Biggest problem The only problem I have seen with this product is it is unable to open the current version of the Office Suite. But damn, you have to love open source applications
  6. PatricksDad

    Starting A Web-Based Business

    "Buyer Beware" does this sound like something you many have heard in the past. There are many different things that people can do to make money but I am going to recommend a book to you. "40 days to the work you love" go read that and you'll be fine
  7. PatricksDad

    Through Bush-Colored Glasses......................

    I hate when people with knowledge respond to these posts. It stops people with little intelligence from showing just how stupid they really are. Nice reply PsyOps
  8. PatricksDad

    Need Some information

    1 in every 150 children and 1 in every 94 boys born this year well placed on the autism spectucum. In St. Mary's county there are currently 95 children on the spectucum. I am needing to find out how many children are on the spectrum in Charles and Calvert County. With this information we might...
  9. PatricksDad

    Teen Raped, Killed 99-Year-Old

    What What does this have to do with anything. This is about the most ignorant thing posted on this topic
  10. Frozen-1


  11. Frozen-3


  12. Frozen-2


  13. PatricksDad

    Shared folders on XP

    If you are near the Naval Air Station I can come by a look at it. E-mail me at
  14. PatricksDad

    Shared folders on XP

    If he made a copy of your file on his hard drive, instead of mapping a network connection to your box, and is opening the file it might be reading what is on his local drive. When he goes to the file, instead of left clicking the file have him right click it and check the properties of the file...