Recent content by RoseRed

  1. RoseRed

    Politics of Masks

    Two today at the Target eye center.
  2. RoseRed

    Helicopter Activity

    Sis and I saw one hovering over Solomon's Annex and 4 about 3 this afternoon. What was that all about?
  3. RoseRed

    Tesla Hate

    I also considered that! 😂
  4. RoseRed

    Tesla Hate

    Did anyone notice the liquid container in the front of his contraption? Is that the fuel? If so, it would have been a nice touch had it exploded.
  5. RoseRed

    Rumors of Civil War ..

    I spoke to my cousin this evening and she told me that 4 of her high school friends had sent her messages berating her about her support for Trump. Before she could respond, they all blocked her. How tolerant. :sarcasm:
  6. RoseRed

    Disney is destroying itself

  7. RoseRed

    What's for dinner?

    Room temperature. 😜
  8. RoseRed

    New model railroading club

  9. RoseRed

    New model railroading club

    Whatever happened to Railroad?
  10. RoseRed

    What's for dinner?

    Cheese and crackers.