Years ago I was following Steven Harper in Canada because he was Conservative. I looked up how coalition governments work and found out all that.
But I think Canada’s the only Parliament that works that way.
There were two - one, I hadn't heard ANYTHING about it, so without the hint - no clue.
Another had the answer really already THERE in the question, and I just assumed THAT wasn't it.
Two things - please, please, PLEASE keep going down this road - this is precisely what lost you the election.
Secondly - just what about this man exudes masculinity?
The fact that he was an assistant defense coach in high school for a few years?
That he - sort of - knows his way around guns...
I think it was Greg on The Five where the gist of it was - despite the "gravity" of this - it is
a) Extraordinarily trivial in comparison the myriad things that happened under Biden - for example, Afghanistan - and the hubris of Hillary to say ANYTHING when she had government data flowing...
And I just read that - pretty much all of the "sensitive" information he saw - was announced by Hegseth to the press right before the attacks, along with names and locations and type of planes.
IF it was all accidental, it seems no harm no foul.
Well some of it -
I'm just thinking any number of times, I've been in a location where I overheard stuff I shouldn't have heard - or walked into a room unexpectedly to find someone naked and changing their clothes or opening an outhouse door and see someone on the can.
And I refrained not...
I'm just thinking, what would I do - or expect to happen - if by some circumstance I found MYSELF privy to a high profile meeting where they were discussing "war plans"?
What would happen to ME - if in the middle of the meeting - someone noticed "hey who's this Sam person listening in on...
There’s still a small voice in my head that says -
What person with an ounce of integrity stays on a line they KNOW they shouldn’t be on? Why didn’t he just leave?
Thing is, if they spill the beans that this was a deliberate act of misinformation - they won't fall for it twice.
I am sure, thanks to our brilliant Democrats - the press makes it abundantly easier to believe they're all a bunch of nitwits who don't know what they're doing. I think they knew...
So could they have telegraphed this to a twit that would leak it - to warn the Houthis - “guess what? Clear out and none of you will be blown to bits with the rest of your stuff “.?