Recent content by Silver301

  1. S

    Accident 235 South @ Rt 4

    I just assumed it was some kind of police social function.
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    Petition to vote on same sex marriage

    ...because those in favor will get re-elected. Ultimately, we are electing the person...not a list of political stances. If that person changes their mind regarding their position on any number of issues, and they can't convince a majority that they were ultimately right to do so, they get...
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    Petition to vote on same sex marriage

    Why give people the illusion that they can vote for or against things like this? Again...democratic republic...people get to choose who will represent them...why even go through that if we are going to have votes on individual issues as they arise?
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    Petition to vote on same sex marriage

    It isn't a matter of them "knowing better". It is a matter of decisions being made in accordance with logic/law/legal precedence/etc....instead of popular bigotry. Remember, we live in a Democratic Republic...not a Populist Democracy. We elect those legislators, along with the governors who...
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    Petition to vote on same sex marriage

    People have a right to petition many things. But some things should not be decided by popular vote...especially not when it comes to denying a whole group of people the same federal/state recognition that others enjoy.
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    Petition to vote on same sex marriage

    First...MD is super liberal and it would pass anyway. Second...since when do we decide things like this with a direct vote? Shouldn't this be decided by the judicial system? Otherwise, don't we get a situation where the majority can potentially deny rights a minority?
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    Sun Causes Climate Change Shock

    I agree, which is why I don't believe the hype. I do believe that anthropogenic global warming is very real; but I don't believe that driving a Prius and buying expensive light bulbs, even if every American did it, would make anything but the most trivial of a difference. We've got time to...
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    Sun Causes Climate Change Shock

    I think that a lot of people on the left and right completely misunderstand the nature of climate change. Al Gore especially hasn't helped; I think he's an intelligent guy, but he turned the whole global warming thing into a polarizing issue. Of course, warming and cooling periods occurred...
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    Boy throwing rocks hit by crossbow bolt

    Note to self: Don't bring rocks to a crossbow fight.
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    Sun Causes Climate Change Shock

    This seems like a play on words to me. The sun and cosmic rays are the DOMINANT controllers of climate on Earth? I don't think anyone is arguing against that. Remember; we don't need to destroy the planet to destroy ourselves.
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    AtheistsWhat evidence suggest dinosaurs were real?

    lol, sorry...had to update it to include Raptor Jesus. The evidence is compelling.
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    AtheistsWhat evidence suggest dinosaurs were real?

    End of discussion.
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    Bill O'Reilly Epic Fail!

    O'Reily did fail epically, and I'm not sure how any of this involves the left being unable to take criticism. O'Reily was just plain wrong, and he probably expected his conservative guests to agree with him. Of course they didn't, because they are real conservatives. They aren't interested in...
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    Divine Warnings To Washington

    That may be true; however, it still doesn't change the argument I was making. Bachmann has just as much proof of her claim as Westboro does of theirs. Because one is abhorrent, it is immediately dismissed by most; the other, being less abhorrent but equally illogical, is supported by many.
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    Divine Warnings To Washington

    If He can send a hurricane and earthquake to protest big spending (something not regulated by any portion of the bible), it seems perfectly reasonable for Him to kill our servicemembers to protest gay rights (specifically damned in the OT). Nobody can ever prove that either of these claims...