Recent content by tlatchaw

  1. T

    Nobody Died @ a Tea Party Rally

    If Only If only he had some decent healthcare he wouldn't have had to overmedicate himself.
  2. T


    Very cool. :buddies:
  3. T


  4. T

    Taller people are smarter: study

    Inconceivable! You've heard of Socrates? Plato? Aristotle? Morons.
  5. T

    New to forums

    Put on your armor and thicken your skin. Then, welcome to the party!
  6. T

    Time to wake up people.

    I could send one o' the horses over to trod it into dust for ya. That's the fate of several of my fruit trees over the past few years. :yawn: :coffee: :howdy: BTW
  7. T

    A Day for Jesus in Calvert County

    I think that Luke 6:22 pretty well sums things up: "Blessed are you when men hate you, and ostracize you, and insult you, and scorn your name as evil, for the sake of the Son of Man." I celebrate a day for Jesus every week. There's a pastor and music and we all meet in these buildings and...
  8. T

    Church in your Youth

    That's a very familiar story.
  9. T

    Limbaugh detained at Palm Beach airport

    Could be a STIFF penalty for this one. . .
  10. T

    Queens Mother Fatally Shot In Front Of Apt. Window

    ditto. I was ready to a royal funeral for the queen mum.
  11. T

    What do ya do when....

    I just keep reminding my 4 year old that I am a carnivore and not going to take any of her crap. She was acting all stupid around my geriatric mare and I went and stood guard to keep the youngster away. Waving around a riding crop impressed her pretty well without unduly upsetting the old...
  12. T

    Top Ten Wimpiest Players in the NFL

    Better the intentional grounding than the "long interception is as good as a punt" he showed a few Monday nights ago, I think. How about TO?
  13. T

    Another Blond Joke

    If ya can't tell, your horse is overdressed. If you've already checked, ewwwww. What is WRONG with you? :eyebrow:
  14. T

    Oh goodie........

    Infection? I thought that this is what happened to him (compliments of
  15. T

    Good thrusting Thursday morning

    C'mon, we're Qurious to know who it is! Oh, and good morning everyone! :howdy: