
  1. Yooper

    My Song For The Day

    Tears every time I hear it. Love the artist, love the song. One of the most meaningful songs I've ever heard. --- End of line (MCP)
  2. Yooper

    Remember This? "The Americans"

    For many of us, still true today (45+ years on). Loved AT40, too. Rarely missed it! --- End of line (MCP)
  3. Yooper

    The Day...The Music Died....

    --- End of line (MCP)
  4. Yooper

    Remember "Evanescence"?

    What a voice! She is one of my faves.... Apparently, this song is "dedicated" to the man she eventually married (a therapist, no less!). --- End of line (MCP)
  5. Yooper

    For All You Politically-Interested (Older) Rockers

    And one more. I really thought this one was good. --- Take your protein pills & put your helmet on.... (Ground Control)