‘1,000 Russian Agents’


PREMO Member
Still Sore: Hillary Blames DNC, SCOTUS, ‘1,000 Russian Agents’ for Loss
Clinton public appearances dominated by increasingly bizarre election-defeat claims

Clinton took the opportunity to blame numerous players for her Nov. 8 election defeat, and also to justify her use of the term “vast right-wing conspiracy” all the way back in 1998. The “conspiracy” against her, she suggested, is still alive.

Clinton, speaking to Recode founders Walt Mossberg and Kara Swisher, said she didn’t lose because of her own choices or flaws — such as taking money to speak to big banks, or her odd failure to substantially campaign in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan.

“I take responsibility for every decision I made, but that’s not why I lost,” said Clinton, blaming Russia, “weaponized information,” the Supreme Court’s decision in Citizens United, and many more players.

Clinton blamed propaganda and “content” that was used by President Donald Trump’s campaign and allies to influence voters in a covert type of manner.

Clinton blamed “the other side” for using “content farms” and fake news to target her.


content farms .......


Well-Known Member
Still Sore: Hillary Blames DNC, SCOTUS, ‘1,000 Russian Agents’ for Loss
Clinton public appearances dominated by increasingly bizarre election-defeat claims

Clinton took the opportunity to blame numerous players for her Nov. 8 election defeat, and also to justify her use of the term “vast right-wing conspiracy” all the way back in 1998. The “conspiracy” against her, she suggested, is still alive.

Clinton, speaking to Recode founders Walt Mossberg and Kara Swisher, said she didn’t lose because of her own choices or flaws — such as taking money to speak to big banks, or her odd failure to substantially campaign in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan.

“I take responsibility for every decision I made, but that’s not why I lost,” said Clinton, blaming Russia, “weaponized information,” the Supreme Court’s decision in Citizens United, and many more players.

Clinton blamed propaganda and “content” that was used by President Donald Trump’s campaign and allies to influence voters in a covert type of manner.

Clinton blamed “the other side” for using “content farms” and fake news to target her.


content farms .......

Uhh!! someone please explain to me how people get elected ----or not.

Clinton blamed propaganda and “content” that was used by President Donald Trump’s campaign and allies to influence voters in a covert type of manner.

Isn't that what opposing candidates do? Didn't she do the same thing? Of course she did.

A conspiracy against her. Conspiracy=a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful.
There was no conspiracy, nothing was secret. I know I was certainly out in the open about my feelings for this lying, nasty,incompetent, untried criminal.

Some said she was sick, I don't know much about that, but she is definitely mentally ill.
She cannot accept the fact that people did not want her sorry ass in the WH.


Well-Known Member
The biggest conspiracy of the last election is this Russian BS put out by the Clinton camp and propagated by the Azzhole Democrat party.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Again - to borrow a phrase from Hillary herself - what difference does it make?

All campaigns cast their opponent in as bad a light as possible - sometimes telling outright lies. And *sometimes* they get caught on it.

Reid said that Romney hadn't paid his taxes in 10 years - even though the public HAD his tax records.
When asked after the election, he smirked and said "he didn't WIN, did he?". This was the Senate Majority Leader.

So ---

The WORST the "Russians" may have done - if it happened at all - is, they put out false information about Hillary to paint her in a bad light.
Wow. She spent what, a billion dollars and a couple Russian hackers cost her Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania?
States she either didn't visit or barely campaigned in? Who's delusional here?

She said half of Trump supporters were deplorables - “…the racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic, you name it.”.
Maybe she's just no good at it.


New Member
Uhh!! someone please explain to me how people get elected ----or not.

Yeah...you are informed all right!

A conspiracy against her. Conspiracy=a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful.

Since you don't understand this...we do not yet know if there was a conspiracy. She lost...she lost to an incompetent and supremely unqualified candidate. She lost back to back elections to unqualified candidates. She should realize that the problem isn't others it is her...she should also shut up and go quietly into retirement.
There was no conspiracy, nothing was secret. I know I was certainly out in the open about my feelings for this lying, nasty,incompetent, untried criminal.

Well that is stupid...we don't know if there was a conspiracy...there definitely was "secret" manipulation of the uneducated---you are a prime example.

Some said she was sick, I don't know much about that, but she is definitely mentally ill.

You were on here constantly parroting back all the Russian misinformation about her Parkinsons and her falling up steps and all the bullsh!t about her after the 9/11 remembrance. YOU fell for every negative item that was posted. Most of which we now know was produced by or on behalf of the Russian govt...and now you fall for the same people telling you they didn't do it. You are so god damned gullible because you truly don't give a damn about this country...all you care about are your pathetic biases.

She cannot accept the fact that people did not want her sorry ass in the WH.

And again...you misstate basic facts...she won the popular vote...which means more people wanted her sorry ass than wanted Trumps.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
...there definitely was "secret" manipulation of the uneducated---you are a prime example.

What, was it "subliminal" advertising? Something in the water? Brainwashing?

ALL campaigns put out crap and call it talking points or worse - the "truth". It's meant to cast their opponent in the worst light possible and it's often patently, provably false.

So what does it matter if it came from the Russians, Prussians or Rastafarians?
People said stuff - people voted.

You're acting as though the votes shouldn't count if they're not for the one you wanted.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
YOU fell for every negative item that was posted. Most of which we now know was produced by or on behalf of the Russian govt....

You don't know IF there was a conspiracy - yet all of this "was produced by or on behalf of the Russian govt"?

Do you know how to tell fantasy from reality?


Power with Control
Well that is stupid...we don't know if there was a conspiracy...there definitely was "secret" manipulation of the uneducated---you are a prime example.

and there is not secret manipulation of the educated? Really, come'on, the whole system is built on secret manipulation. And I fail to believe the "educated" are less amenable to manipulation, seeing as I work every day surrounded by them and see the things they talk about. The methods of manipulation vary, you play more to the sense of superiority and condescension they harbor towards the blue collar masses, but it's manipulation just the same.


Well-Known Member
Since you don't understand this...we do not yet know if there was a conspiracy.

Nor do we have any reason to think there was :yay:

She lost back to back elections to unqualified candidates. She should realize that the problem isn't others it is her...she should also shut up and go quietly into retirement.

It is good to hear you acknowledge Obama was unqualified - of course, I don't think you mean "not qualified IAW the Constitution" for either of the candidates to whom she lost, you only mean, "in my arrogant opinion", but still.

However, we fully agree she needs to shut up and retire.

there definitely was "secret" manipulation of the uneducated

In what way was this election different from any other? I would not say the manipulation is any secret (with or without quotes), I would say the ads and speeches and such are very public and out in the open.

You were on here constantly parroting back all the Russian misinformation about her Parkinsons and her falling up steps and all the bullsh!t about her after the 9/11 remembrance. YOU fell for every negative item that was posted. Most of which we now know was produced by or on behalf of the Russian govt...and now you fall for the same people telling you they didn't do it.

How, exactly, do we "know" this was Russian, let alone misinformation? Could you please link me to the source of this knowledge?

And again...you misstate basic facts...she won the popular vote...which means more people wanted her sorry ass than wanted Trumps.

This is true - but the majority of votes - cast and not cast - were against both of them. Of the eligible voter population, the combination of no-vote and vote-for-someone-else was far larger than the vote either one got. And, I hear it is really cold on the top of Mt. Everest. Both of those are as valuable pieces of information wrt who became president.

It would seem the person you find so unqualified and incompetent was competent enough to control the campaign to get the votes where he needed them. See, THAT is the competence we actually do need - understanding the rules and using them to further the interest of the United States. It would appear Mrs. Clinton, for all of her competence, was incompetent with respect to managing stuff, like her campaign.


What, was it "subliminal" advertising? Something in the water? Brainwashing?

No Sam. We're ALL just stupid. All of us. We are incapable of understanding anything. We need T0J0 to remind us of this. I am convinced that this entire country would be the land of Idiocracy if not for the high and mighty, and all-knowing tommyJo :noworthy:


Well-Known Member
Yeah...you are informed all right!

Since you don't understand this...we do not yet know if there was a conspiracy. She lost...she lost to an incompetent and supremely unqualified candidate. She lost back to back elections to unqualified candidates. She should realize that the problem isn't others it is her...she should also shut up and go quietly into retirement.

Well that is stupid...we don't know if there was a conspiracy...there definitely was "secret" manipulation of the uneducated---you are a prime example.

You were on here constantly parroting back all the Russian misinformation about her Parkinsons and her falling up steps and all the bullsh!t about her after the 9/11 remembrance. YOU fell for every negative item that was posted. Most of which we now know was produced by or on behalf of the Russian govt...and now you fall for the same people telling you they didn't do it. You are so god damned gullible because you truly don't give a damn about this country...all you care about are your pathetic biases.

And again...you misstate basic facts...she won the popular vote...which means more people wanted her sorry ass than wanted Trumps.

First I would like to suggest you take the advice you offered Hillary.
She should realize that the problem isn't others it is her...she should also shut up and go quietly into retirement.
YOU should realize that that the problem isn't with others, and shut up and retire----gracefully.

Next the Conspiracy I was referring to was the conspiracy by the Hillary campaign when they put out this Russian crap. No conspiracy was against Hillary, people just did not like her.-----------------except for you. You appear to be in love with her. You are the gullible one. you actually believe this Russian crap Hillary put out.Or had put out.

Ironic that you should say all I care about is my pathetic biases. Humorous even as you come here every day biased against everyone else in this forum and upset to the point of insanity about hating Trump.
I don't know for sure she doesn't have Parkinson's, but right at this time I believe she was merely drunk as a fart and after listening to her last few speech's she hasn't conquered it. She is living in a world she created for herself a fantasy world where she is smarter than everyone else and they will believe anything she tells them.

Damn---just like you---are you Hillary?
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Happy Creepy Ass Cracka
And here's another nation not previously blamed for Hillary's Waterloo

Why it's nobody other than Macedonia!

Assblasted Hillary.jpg
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Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
It's obvious their analytics/algorithms were flawed. Hillary would be President right now if she'd have listened to Bill about Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania.


New Member
I still do not believe she won the "popular" vote. With all of the Illegals voting, (VA, California etc.) and the people on the rolls that were not elibible to vote, and the cheating of the voters... why one lady admitted that she voted 5+ times.... So the "popular" vote is BS.... My take. And if it wasn't for New York and California "idiots" she would have not won these places.. This is from another "deplorable"!!! I absolutely HATE this bitch!!