‘Batman’ banned from Camden Yards for life

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~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Baltimore’s ‘Batman’ speaks after Orioles ban him from Camden Yards for life

The YouTube video of an underpants-clad Batman storming the field during the Baltimore Orioles' opener last week has been viewed almost 200,000 times.

Now the joker behind the black bloomers — Mark Harvey, a 26-year-old from Severn, Md. — is speaking out. Just what compelled Harvey to put a dent into the O's-Twins game last Friday?

As you might expect, his answer is as deep as Maggie Gyllenhaal's acting in "The Dark Knight":

"It was my birthday and I just love to make people laugh and get them going," Harvey told WJZ. "So I was like what's better not to do than to go on opening day and do it? So I went with it."


Despite a Camden Yards warning that says trespassers will be prosecuted, Harvey somehow escaped charges from the state attorney's office after sitting in jail for 13 hours. (Perhaps it was just as amused as we were and decided to release him back into the night?)

The Orioles, however, say Harvey has been banned from the ballpark for life and they've pledged to throw the book at anyone who chooses to follow their own Bat Signal after a few too many Natty Bohs.

"I don't recommend no one doing it," Harvey said. "Trust me, they tackle you hard."

What a maroon. :lmao: