‘CNN Made Me A Huge Offer’


PREMO Member
The discussion turned to Chris Wallace, who jumped to CNN+ after 18 years of hosting “Fox News Sunday,” and both Sexton and Kelly appeared to agree that Wallace had been lucky to keep his position despite lackluster numbers. They also questioned whether he believed simply opposing former President Donald Trump would help him win over the viewers at CNN+, and argued that it wouldn’t. Kelly said that they likely saw Wallace as a useful “foil” when it came to Trump, but that would not translate to a massive audience.

“He was in last place every week, every year, every month. He was always in last, and they still paid him,” Kelly said before pivoting to reveal her own dealings with CNN as she made the decision to leave Fox News.

Noting that her main goal had been to free up more time to spend with her kids, Kelly said that she had considered going to CNN.

“I considered going to CNN. CNN made me a huge offer. Huge,” she said. “I said no, Buck, because I knew: who is my fanbase going to be over there? I knew who my fans were and I knew that my Fox viewers were not going to follow me to CNN and that the CNN viewers were going to hate my guts.”



American Beauty
PREMO Member
Uh oh... :lol:



Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
CNN+ Exceeds All Expectations By Lasting Nearly 3 Weeks

CNN is next going to attempt a streaming service that just shows CNN hosts screaming at Fox News 24/7. This one is expected to last significantly longer, maybe until the Fourth of July.



Well-Known Member
Kinda make you wonder what idiot saw CNN's poll numbers and decided that they could make anyone pay for their garbage news. I suppose even liberal Biden-Harris are not that stupid


Well-Known Member

[Meghan] Kelly jumped in to mock CNN then, saying, “Who is the moron at CNN who actually thought, ‘you know what we need with our ratings in the toilet?’ More of us. We need more CNN.”



Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Chris Wallace to move show from CNN+ to HBO Max: Report

Chris Wallace’s interview show will get a second chance with a move to HBO Max after CNN+ was shut down last month.

CNN+ stopped its streaming operations less than a month after its launch, citing a slow start with dismal daily viewership. CNN said the streaming service’s employees would be allowed to explore jobs at “CNN, CNN Digital, and elsewhere in the Warner Bros. Discovery family.”
