‘Withholding Sex’ Now Considered ‘Sexual Violence’


PREMO Member
‘Withholding Sex’ Now Considered ‘Sexual Violence’ at U of M

The University of Michigan has released a list of relationship behaviors that it considers violent and abusive — including “withholding sex.”

“Discounting the partner’s feelings regarding sex,” “criticizing the partner sexually,” and “having sex with other people” are also examples of “sexual violence,” according to the list.

The school also offers definitions of domestic abuse. Under the section for “verbal or psychological abuse,” it states that not only is “insulting the partner” considered “abuse,” so is “ignoring the partner’s feelings.”

Janet Bloomfield, social media director for A Voice for Men, explained the dangers of such broad definitions of “violence” in an e-mail to the College Fix.

“When things like ‘withholding sex’ and ‘ignoring a partner’s feelings’ are framed as a pattern of behavior that is abusive, they are not only pathologizing normal relationship behaviors, but they are opening the door for vindictive or spurned partners to make allegations that can have profound effects for the accused,” she said.

ignoring your partners feelings = abuse

well that is about as opened ended as it gets .....

withholding sex ...... well millions or women are guilty of that :lmao:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Early on; Flowers, attention, conversation, do things together, go to dinner, hold doors, flowers, thoughtful, considerate, nice; lots and lots of sheet time. Happy Boy. I feel loved!

Over time; Less flowers, less attention, less conversation, less time doing things together, less door holding, less flowers, less thoughtful, less considerate, less nice; less sheet time. Unhappy boy. I feel...

...abused! :tap:

Is this, really, what they're selling this week?


PREMO Member
Since I prefer to go directly to the source

Sexual violence
Examples of sexual violence include: discounting the partner's feelings regarding sex; criticizing the partner sexually; touching the partner sexually in inappropriate and uncomfortable ways; withholding sex and affection; always demanding sex; forcing partner to strip as a form of humiliation (maybe in front of children), to witness sexual acts, to participate in uncomfortable sex or sex after an episode of violence, to have sex with other people; and using objects and/or weapons to hurt during sex or threats to back up demands for sex.



Soul Probe
what a dork .... I hope you dumped him

Because of that, no. We're talking several weeks, not months. I understood it was the only power he had over me and he was utilizing that power. Was it abusive? Maybe, but I could be somewhat demanding and according to the OP that was abusive as well. :shrug:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
So it's "sexual violence" if you don't have sex; and also if you do have sex.

Does this pertain to women as well as men? As in, some college girl won't have sex with you - withholding it - what do you do, sue her? Have her arrested? She's not only withholding sex, but she's discounting your feelings. AND! she is insulting you. No means no, but it's also abusive for her to say no.

Who comes up with this crap?


RBF expert
So it's "sexual violence" if you don't have sex; and also if you do have sex.

Does this pertain to women as well as men? As in, some college girl won't have sex with you - withholding it - what do you do, sue her? Have her arrested? She's not only withholding sex, but she's discounting your feelings. AND! she is insulting you. No means no, but it's also abusive for her to say no.

Who comes up with this crap?

A bunch of mid-life crisis-approaching-sloppy-chubby men who's women stopped having sex with them bc they stopped making an effort.


Well-Known Member
A bunch of mid-life crisis-approaching-sloppy-chubby men who's women stopped having sex with them bc they stopped making an effort.

Because of that, no. We're talking several weeks, not months. I understood it was the only power he had over me and he was utilizing that power. Was it abusive? Maybe, but I could be somewhat demanding and according to the OP that was abusive as well. :shrug:

So its fair to assume you might be a sex addict. You might want to start the 12 step program.

1 I will not rape men with my eyes
2 I will not use my good looks to get a man in bed
3 I will not get tipsy and have sex
4 I will keep my hormones under control
5 I will put a bag of ice between my legs if I get hot
6 I will not use my cleavage to get a mans attention
7 I will give into a man so I don't hurt his feelings
8 I will stop making false moans
9 I will stop wearing skin tight jeans and yoga pants while shopping for groceries
10 I will not lie to a man and tell him he is ugly instead of looking good
11 I will stop wearing push up bras
12 I will forget about all the steps above and Get Laid Get Fugged