Governor “I Couldn’t Be More Proud of the City of Baltimore”: Governor Hogan Discusses Demonstrations in Baltimore City on WBAL News Radio


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“We’ve just got to continue to work together, continue to focus on how we can make improvements.”

This morning, Governor Hogan appeared live on WBAL’s “The C4 Show” to discuss the demonstrations taking place this week in Baltimore City.


“I think that the citizens of Baltimore just having gone through that, the pain of 2015, did not want to see it happen again. So we had thousands of people out expressing their very legitimate and real frustrations and anger, but peacefully working together in cooperation. It was something you did not see around the country, and there was so much cooperation. There was a handful of these extremists who had a violent agenda, and most of the peaceful protesters were stopping them, for days, from doing the things that they were doing in other cities, which was fantastic. So, look, I’m proud of the young people, I’m proud of the citizens, the community organizers, the leaders.”

“The Baltimore City Police are the frontline and they’re running the operation, but we were there to provide whatever assistance and backup they needed. A couple times, both Friday night and last night, when the city police asked for backup, we had the state police teams, along with other teams from the MDTA and MTA, ready to come in to assist whatever the city police asked them for help on…it was a well orchestrated plan, but I take my hat off to the city police. I’m very proud of the job that they all did, and we were happy to back them up and work in a coordinated fashion.”

“I was proud of the city last night, and I think maybe they started to show how real, positive change can happen, and we’ve just got to continue to work together, continue to focus on how we can make improvements. I think Baltimore City certainly has more than its fair share of problems, and the state has things that we’re dealing with. I think we showed a strong, compassionate, fairly united community that was better than what we saw in a lot of cities across the country.”
