Governor “It’s Cool, Keep Calm”: Governor Hogan Talks to Maryland’s Oldest Veteran, 109-Year Old Ezra Hill


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There is much for Marylanders to be thankful for this year, including our veterans and their families.

Earlier this month, just before Veterans Day, the governor’s office received a call from the daughter of Ezra Hill, a 109-year old World War II veteran from Baltimore.

Mr. Hill, who is set to turn 110 next month, is the oldest living veteran in Maryland, and the second oldest in the United States. He graduated from Frederick Douglass High School in 1931, and joined the Army during World War II, landing at Normandy shortly after D-Day.

The governor had the opportunity to talk to Mr. Hill via Zoom:

In their conversation, Mr. Hill shared some of the secrets of his longevity:

  • “Don’t hate nobody.”
    • “It’s cool, keep calm.”

We wish all of Maryland’s veterans and their families a happy and healthy Thanksgiving.