“No Taxpayer Funding For CZARS Act,”


PREMO Member
Named the “No Taxpayer Funding For Climate Zealots Advancing Radical Schemes Act” or the “No Taxpayer Funding For CZARS Act,” eight Republicans are calling on legislation to ban funding of Kerry’s climate role, including salary, administrative and travel expenses.

The proposed bill says that “Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no Federal funds may be used for the Special Presidential Envoy for Climate, including for salary, administrative, and travel expenses of the Special Presidential Envoy for Climate and for any other activity of the Special Presidential Envoy for Climate.”

In a statement, Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) blasted the climate czar for his “disastrous energy policies peddled by hysterical fools like John Kerry,” adding “the Biden administration’s jet-setting "climate czar" is actively destroying reliable American energy by saddling us with outrageous commitments at hypocritical climate conferences, pressuring banks not to lend to fossil fuel producers, and fighting to end oil and gas production.”



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I'm trying not to like Chip Roy because I know if I do he'll turn out to be another Dan Crenshaw.


Well-Known Member
I don't know Chip Roy, but I know John Kerry is a POS from the word go. A traitor and gigolo band- aid wound slacker somebody else's medal tossing Mother F*****.
It's time someone jerked a knot in his party time at our expense.