“That’s not a town hall. That’s called a stage production,”...

Ramp Guy

Well-Known Member
Kamala needs the questions in advance at a "staged so called" town hall event.

What are you afraid of Kamala, someone asking a question you don't have any idea how to answer.

Hey Maria, you should be ashamed acting like a sock puppet to Kamala

Former California first lady and journalist Maria Shriver revealed that only “pre-determined questions” were allowed to be asked of Vice President Kamala Harris at a Michigan town hall event on Monday.

“Are we going to be able to ask a question?” a woman attending the Oakland County event asked Shriver ahead of Harris taking the stage with former Congresswoman Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.), according to the Daily Mail.

Shriver shut her down. “You’re not, unfortunately, we have some pre-determined questions,” the former “Dateline” correspondent replied.

What a fake POS the democrats are! "Hey, we are for the common people, just don't ask any questions!

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Well-Known Member
We've seen this before. Heck, way back in Obama's first term, his pressers would only allow questions from people who submitted them the NIGHT BEFORE. This enraged even liberals like Helen Thomas, who seethed "what are we, puppets?".

I hate that this is the way it works - and that candidates being open and candid doesn't help them. Right now, the low information voter is the Dems best friend. The ones who believe the crap about national sales tax, national abortion ban, Project 2025 and so on. You can make up the most outrageous crap and as long as your ground game is great - you can elect a ball of dust.


Well-Known Member
Pre determined questions means pre-determined answers, so they are not questions, they are just part of the program.

Maria was never one of the more brighter Kennedy's


New Member
Right? It’s like a scripted performance instead of a real town hall. Kamala can’t handle spontaneous questions, so they pull this stunt. If they’re really for the people, why not let them ask whatever they want? It just feels so fake.


Well-Known Member
Actually it sounds a lot like the Steny Hoyer town hall I went to, where I stood in line for hours while they brought in the buses and gave them the good seats.


Animal Poor!
Now if she can only remember the what answers she's supposed to give....

Will they give her a teleprompter too?
Hell, she's nothing but a walking blow up doll at this point, only they forgot to add the oxygen module to keep her inflated! The sad part is that half the country, according to polls, want to vote for her. I want to say where did we go wrong, but then remember that the government took over the education system. Then the advent of social media and all the freaks could fly and we are supposed to let the deviant behavior become normal. Just look at the people who have been put in charge of some of the biggest positions in Government. I want to know WHO is the billionaire freak, trans person that is conducting this orchestra. Follow the money used to be a good term, but now they hide all that crap so no one can.