PREMO Member
The substance of the investigation is related in more detail in a separate Racket News post, but for now I want to focus on Matt’s conclusion in the post linked above, which is titled “Thanks, to a Politician Who Did His Job”:

Sincere thanks are due to Chairman Jordan, whose staff not only demanded and got answers in my case, but achieved a concrete policy change, as IRS Commissioner Daniel Werfel announced in July new procedures that would “end most” home visits.
Anticipating criticism for expressing public thanks to a Republican congressman, I’d like to ask Democratic Party partisans: to which elected Democrat should I have appealed for help in this matter? The one who called me a “so-called journalist” on the House floor? The one who told me to take off my “tinfoil hat” and put greater trust in intelligence services? The ones in leadership who threatened me with jail time? I gave votes to the party for thirty years. Which elected Democrat would have performed basic constituent services in my case? Feel free to raise a hand.
If silence is the answer, why should I ever vote for a Democrat again?

Good question! Taibbi is a journalist who cares about freedom of speech. So, QED. The Democrats are on the other side.

Another life-long Democrat who has been rethinking her loyalties is Bari Weiss, as I noted here:

As a Democrat who has been left homeless, who is now definitely in the center but probably leaning increasingly right….



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I've asked Democrat friends this very question - "What are you getting out of your vote?" They usually come back with some divorced from reality nonsense, like "Republicans want to enslave black people and chain women to the kitchen", or they spew ridiculous propaganda like, "Joe Biden has brought back everything good in America". Occasionally they can't come up with anything, so they start screaming "Orange man bad!"

So why should you vote for a Democrat?
  • Because you want full term babies killed in a gruesome manner
  • Because you love war and chaos
  • Because you love not being able to afford basics, like food and shelter
  • Because you hate black people and want to keep them in their drug and crime infested ghettos
  • Because you hate women and want to give mentally ill men easier access to prey on them
  • Because you look at the third world dystopias of SF, LA, Chi, and NYC and go, "Yeah, buddy, THAT'S the life"
  • You're turned on by the reality of an omnipresent police force that will kick in your door and haul you off to prison for criticizing the Democrat government.
  • Because plastic straws are your mortal enemy


PREMO Member
Because you love not being able to afford basics, like food and shelter

Cognitive dissonance ... they believe the Media Lies about everything being ' ok '

You're turned on by the reality of an omnipresent police force that will kick in your door and haul you off to prison for criticizing the Democrat government.

Ever since Charlottesville and ' you have to punch a Nazi ' Politicians like Mad Max

“Let’s make sure we show up wherever we have to show up. And if you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd. And you push back on them. And you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere. We’ve got to get the children connected to their parents,” Waters said at the Wilshire Federal Building, according to video of the event.

violent rhetoric has been building for a long time .... Covid the Mask Really came off

if you questions the JAB or Refused - you should be Jailed, Denied Medical Treatment, put in Camps for reeducation or A Final Solution


Well-Known Member
I've asked Democrat friends this very question - "What are you getting out of your vote?" They usually come back with some divorced from reality nonsense, like "Republicans want to enslave black people and chain women to the kitchen", or they spew ridiculous propaganda like, "Joe Biden has brought back everything good in America". Occasionally they can't come up with anything, so they start screaming "Orange man bad!"

So why should you vote for a Democrat?
  • Because you want full term babies killed in a gruesome manner
  • Because you love war and chaos
  • Because you love not being able to afford basics, like food and shelter
  • Because you hate black people and want to keep them in their drug and crime infested ghettos
  • Because you hate women and want to give mentally ill men easier access to prey on them
  • Because you look at the third world dystopias of SF, LA, Chi, and NYC and go, "Yeah, buddy, THAT'S the life"
  • You're turned on by the reality of an omnipresent police force that will kick in your door and haul you off to prison for criticizing the Democrat government.
  • Because plastic straws are your mortal enemy
Because it's fun to trigger you? (just kidding)


Well-Known Member
The question is not why should I vote democrat again.
The real question should be why should I bother to vote.

As long as early voting and ballot harvesting exists, my vote means little.
Why should I vote Republican when it should be visible to anyone that Donald Trump is my choice and the republicans wish to deny me that choice.
Our Justice system is totally screwed, we don't need 87,000 armed IRS agents, and the illegals are barging in like it's open season, our Energy Independence was destroyed in a crazed pipe dream to put me in an upholstered golf cart, my heating oil is almost $5 dollars a gallon, and I am losing weight because meat prices are out of sight and China owns the pork industry in our country. Nuts are sitting in the streets too freaking stupid to realize that if we don't have oil we won't have food. The farmers can't grow it and the truckers cannot deliver it.


Well-Known Member
I've asked Democrat friends this very question - "What are you getting out of your vote?" They usually come back with some divorced from reality nonsense, like "Republicans want to enslave black people and chain women to the kitchen", or they spew ridiculous propaganda like, "Joe Biden has brought back everything good in America". Occasionally they can't come up with anything, so they start screaming "Orange man bad!"

So why should you vote for a Democrat?
  • Because you want full term babies killed in a gruesome manner
  • Because you love war and chaos
  • Because you love not being able to afford basics, like food and shelter
  • Because you hate black people and want to keep them in their drug and crime infested ghettos
  • Because you hate women and want to give mentally ill men easier access to prey on them
  • Because you look at the third world dystopias of SF, LA, Chi, and NYC and go, "Yeah, buddy, THAT'S the life"
  • You're turned on by the reality of an omnipresent police force that will kick in your door and haul you off to prison for criticizing the Democrat government.
  • Because plastic straws are your mortal enemy
"Joe Biden has brought back everything good in America"

I've weeded out friends like that, not fond of idiots and treasonous bastards. Never know what they might do. It's a shame the draft isn't around, use them for canon fodder.


Well-Known Member
"Joe Biden has brought back everything good in America"

I've weeded out friends like that, not fond of idiots and treasonous bastards. Never know what they might do. It's a shame the draft isn't around, use them for canon fodder.
What makes you think today's bunch of young men would show up for the draft?


Well-Known Member
I've asked Democrat friends this very question - "What are you getting out of your vote?" They usually come back with some divorced from reality nonsense, like "Republicans want to enslave black people and chain women to the kitchen", or they spew ridiculous propaganda like, "Joe Biden has brought back everything good in America". Occasionally they can't come up with anything, so they start screaming "Orange man bad!"

So why should you vote for a Democrat?
  • Because you want full term babies killed in a gruesome manner
  • Because you love war and chaos
  • Because you love not being able to afford basics, like food and shelter
  • Because you hate black people and want to keep them in their drug and crime infested ghettos
  • Because you hate women and want to give mentally ill men easier access to prey on them
  • Because you look at the third world dystopias of SF, LA, Chi, and NYC and go, "Yeah, buddy, THAT'S the life"
  • You're turned on by the reality of an omnipresent police force that will kick in your door and haul you off to prison for criticizing the Democrat government.
  • Because plastic straws are your mortal enemy
Because paper straws that are provided in plastic wrappers are so much better for the environment.