1 in 4 Americans say God decides Football winners


Lawful neutral
One in four Americans think God helps decide the outcome of football games | Off the Bench

More than half of all Americans believe that God rewards athletes who have faith in Him, according to a recent poll by the Public Religion Research Institute, and isn’t that what Tim Tebow has been telling us all along?

That number is 53 percent, and isn’t really that shocking. But this one is, at least to me: according to the poll, 27 percent of Americans believe that God actually plays a role in determining which team wins a sporting event. Yes, God is waving that ball fair or foul, like an omnipotent Carlton Fisk. Or to put it another way, God spends all day playing Madden NFL 12 with real players.


Well-Known Member
I have heard rumor that on the 7th Day , God created the Dallas Cowboys for his enjoyment:whistle: , THEN created the Baltimore Ravens in Over-time !:yahoo:


"Typical White Person"
1 in 4 Americans are brain dead, well actually more than that when you consider the amount that voted for Obama not once, but twice.