10 Liberals vs. 1 Conservative


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
I just had lunch with the people in my training class out here in Seattle, and over the course of conversation I found that pretty much every one of them was a Kerry supporter.

I wish I was as quick with the history and the facts and the quotes as the rest of you are. I just don't have this sort of information at my beck and call like the sharp-witted among us, but I have to tell you, it was a rough lunch.

I spent the whole time debating with them why pre-emptive strategy was a good strategy, why Fox News is more moderate than right-leaning and why the rest of the press was way off to the left, and why our elections shouldn't be under the observance of foreign entities.

Lemme tell ya... 10 far left Libs on 1 moderate Conservative... that's about an even match. But Larry or Pete or Ken woulda ripped these guys apart.

Some of the things that came out of these guys mouths... was downright scary. One of them actually said that the U.S. should never strike a threat until we are hit first, and the rest of them agreed. They would rather have the terrorists and rogue countries on our own soil before they would do anything about them. :yikes:

Lemme tell ya... I saw the polls indicate that Kerry is pulling ahead in Washington. If these guys are any indication of the rest of the state, Bush needs to cut and run from WA and spend his money elsewhere.


New Member
Friends of mine moved to Seattle from here, they said it is a very hateful place. Extremely anti-East Coast.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
They are on the left coast with the Republic of Kalifornia. Some day it will drop into the Pacific and this will be a more conservative country.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

...for lunch tommorrow ask these great minds if they have listened to one word their guy has said.

Kerry: I will do everything Bush is doing but better!

That means better war in Iraq.

Better at killing terrorists.

Better tax cuts.

Kerry has said all that, clearly and repeatedly and more.

So, the argument is: Is Kerry simply going to be a better leader of war or is he duping us and will do as these guys wish once he has won?

The key when you're getting gang banged is to take what THEY are saying, stay cool, see if it stands up to what their guy is saying then sit back and watch them eat each other.

Remember: Your guy ain't perfect and that's OK, be cool with it. They are trying to make the case that theirs is.


Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Only 10 of them, even you should have ate them for lunch. :lol: Like Larry says stay cool and when they get done with their rant just remind them of what their boy is promising and you also might want to ask them if they can tell you anything he has done while in public service.


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
Ken King said:
Only 10 of them, even you should have ate them for lunch. :lol: Like Larry says stay cool and when they get done with their rant just remind them of what their boy is promising and you also might want to ask them if they can tell you anything he has done while in public service.
Today's the last day of class. Thankfully I won't have to put up with it tomorrow.

Most of them weren't too excited over Kerry, anyway. They were more just "anyone but Bush".


2ndAmendment said:
They are on the left coast with the Republic of Kalifornia. Some day it will drop into the Pacific and this will be a more conservative country.

I don't understand why you would say something like that? It would be like me saying one day the oceans will rise and flood the bible belt and this country will be more liberal. :lol: