101 Reasons Why Water Baptism is Not Necessary to be Saved


Well-Known Member

Chuckt.... we all know that Baptism is only a symbol. We all know that first you give your heart to Christ and then you are to be Baptized to show that you are a new person in Christ.

When a person comes to you and says that they used to be in the church, even went through the Baptism.... they are almost always telling you that they accepted Jesus as their Savior at some point and now they are having issues with faith. Most, I mean the huge super, super majority, of preachers and priests won't perform a Baptism until they are sure the person understands that Salvation is from God and Baptism is only a symbol.



Well-Known Member
Chuckt.... we all know that Baptism is only a symbol. We all know that first you give your heart to Christ and then you are to be Baptized to show that you are a new person in Christ.

When a person comes to you and says that they used to be in the church, even went through the Baptism.... they are almost always telling you that they accepted Jesus as their Savior at some point and now they are having issues with faith. Most, I mean the huge super, super majority, of preachers and priests won't perform a Baptism until they are sure the person understands that Salvation is from God and Baptism is only a symbol.


HC - there are many that believe baptism is necessary for salvation, sadly enough. They just feel they have to do something more than just simple repentance (changing their ways and hearts) and confession to be saved, which flies in the face of numerous scriptures, especially Romans 10:9. Probnably most catholics believe baptism is necessary for salvation, either as an infant (sprinkling - water baptism), Baptism of Desire (for those who die before receiving that baptism sacrament), and Baptism of Blood, for those martyrs that were killed for the "faith" before they had the chance to be baptised. Numerous protestants belkieve in infant sprinkling, but that is really not a big deal, as long as the parents of the infant are God-fearing, Bible-believing Christians who honestly see infant baptism as a covenantally faithful act--not that it saves the child.