Thanks for asking. She is feeling a little better, fever is down alot with motrin and tylenol. I know what you mean about lethargic! She actually freaked me out this morning with her temp so high, so was actually delarious with the temp. She was walking in circles, crying, talking crazy things and wanting me to paint her fingernails pink

Mind you, she hates having her fingernails and toenails cut, so it wasn't normal for her to be so adament about having them done at 3 a.m.
Doc did a rapid strep (neg) because her throat is extremely red and ucky looking. He also did a UA. She has blood in her urine, so she probably has a UTI. Fairly normal when first potty training (she's been potty trained for about 2 months) because they don't always completely empty their bladder. He'll see her back Monday morning for f/u. She's on antibiotics. Normally she tolerates all medicine well. She HATES this medicine! It's the first time ever she's refused to take any medicine. Oh this is not going to be fun.