11-year-old girl, in school uniform, sells heroin on the street for mother

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
SOUTH MIAMI, Fla. - An 11-year-old girl is accused of selling heroin on the street for her mother, sometimes dressed in her school uniform or nightgown, police said Tuesday.

Investigators and prosecutors were deciding whether to charge the girl, who was in the custody of the Department of Children and Families with her seven-year-old sister. But officials hinted that it was unlikely she would be prosecuted. "She was quite obviously doing it to support her mother," said Charles Blazek, a spokesman for the city of South Miami.

Police there arrested the girl's mother, Alison Davis, 36, during a raid Friday. A 60-year-old man who may be Davis' husband is named as a co-defendant and remains at large.

Police said they started watching the area near the girl's home in October after receiving a tip. Officers said they saw the girl regularly selling $10 and $20 doses of heroin from in front of her home to drivers and pedestrians. Undercover officers also made purchases.

Blazek said the girl's neighbourhood was not known for drug dealing. Tuesday afternoon, it was quiet, with generally well-kept houses. But the girl's house is run down, and neighbours said her family struggled to get by.

Alda Larios, who lives on the block, said the girl often came to her house to play with her children. Larios said she was shocked when she heard of the alleged drug sales.

"It hurt me a lot because we never thought she would do something like that," Larios said. "She was always sad. But she didn't cause problems."

The girl's father, Dennis Williams, appeared at a juvenile court hearing Tuesday as a judge tried to decide where the sisters should live. Officials said Williams, who does not live with the mother, has asked to take custody of the two girls.

Williams refused to talk to reporters afterward. It was unclear when a custody decision would be made.

Davis is jailed on multiple drug possession and trafficking charges pending a Jan. 23 arraignment. If convicted, she faces anywhere from 15 years to life in prison.

:cussing: UFB. I wonder what the POS mother threatened her with if she didn't sell the drugs.


Happy Camper!
Originally posted by jazz lady
Police said they started watching the area near the girl's home in October after receiving a tip. Officers said they saw the girl regularly selling $10 and $20 doses of heroin from in front of her home to drivers and pedestrians. Undercover officers also made purchases.

This whole story is just terrible but I can't believe the cops staked this place out for 2 months before doing anything about it. After the first suspicion, they should have pulled those kids from the mother.