12-year-old boy who got in trouble for wearing Gadsden flag patch wins victory over school


PREMO Member
12-year-old boy Jaiden and his mom refused to apologize after the student wore a historic Gadsden flag patch to school

A 12-year-old boy just won a major victory against his school after a video of him being removed from class for displaying a Gadsden flag patch on his backpack went viral this week.

Education expert and president of the Libertas Institute in Utah, Connor Boyack, released a screenshot of the Vanguard School Board of Directors allowing Jaiden to "attend school with the Gadsden flag patch visible on his backpack."

"We won!" Boyack wrote on X, formerly known as Twitter, Tuesday. "Let this be a lesson — document your encounters w/ government employees. Had Jaiden's mom not recorded the video, this wouldn't have got nearly the attention that it did."

An employee for the school said via email that the patch was "disruptive to the classroom environment" and has "origins with slavery."

The Gadsden flag originates from the American Revolution as a symbol of the 13 colonies’ fight against British tyrannical rule.

Boyack shared the original viral video of Jaiden, "who was kicked out of class" in Colorado Springs, Colorado on Monday. The video has since gained over 8,900,000 views on X.



Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
"Let this be a lesson — document your encounters w/ government employees. Had Jaiden's mom not recorded the video, this wouldn't have got nearly the attention that it did."
Good luck in MD. MD is a two-party consent state. Do you think school admin will say, "Sure, you can record this meeting"?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Assitant Principal should have had to write a paper documenting the Gadsen flags history.

She should be fired immediately and her next job can involve asking people if they'd like fries with that.

These people are so stupid and so overreactive - they terrify me. They're not even smart enough to learn from their mistakes. Hell, they won't even admit they *made* a mistake. I have no doubt that woman is grumbling into her breakfast chardonnay right now about how *she* is the victim.


the poor dad
Good luck in MD. MD is a two-party consent state. Do you think school admin will say, "Sure, you can record this meeting"?
but in government buildings, I don't think 2 party consent is necessary. check with your attorney before trying at home (or school) - I did NOT stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night.


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
Good luck in MD. MD is a two-party consent state. Do you think school admin will say, "Sure, you can record this meeting"?
“However, Maryland law does make an exception in cases where the person or people communicating are doing so in an environment where they should not be under the expectation of privacy.”

Would they really have an expectation of privacy in this case?
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Power with Control
but in government buildings, I don't think 2 party consent is necessary. check with your attorney before trying at home (or school) - I did NOT stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night.
“However, Maryland law does make an exception in cases where the person or people communicating are doing so in an environment where they should not be under the expectation of privacy.”

Would they really have an expectation of privacy in this case?

Hard to say. The child being present might add a factor.

Merlin, I think that doesnt apply to the insides of offices.


Mostly settled in...
Ad Free Experience
I think it would be the same as recording police, recording a public official in performance of their duties
I have security camera, 1 of which oversees the front door. I have signs warning that cameras are in use.
Had a visit from a Deputy Sherriff about 3 years ago. He had his vest camera and saw mine. If he had asked me to pause it, I would have.

He was very professional and courteous in explaining what I had done wrong in not properly reporting a parking lot fender bender.
I did some damage to the other car while pulling into a parking slot.
He chuckled when I mentioned all the similarly damaged cars on the road around here.

He determined from our conversation that there was no ill intent on my part,
as I did leave a note for the other driver, just ignorance of proper procedure.
He did not issue me a citation.