13-Year-Old Invents Lollipops That Cure Hiccups


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Hiccupops - The Lollipops That Cure Hiccups | Oddity Central - Collecting Oddities

Hiccups, we all get them from time to time, and the most annoying thing about them is they are so darn hard to get rid of. But 13-year-old Mallory Kievman seems to have finally found a cure to this irritating problem – a hiccup-stopping lollipop called the Hiccupop.

Mallory’s quest to find a real cure for hiccups started during the summer of 2010. She had tried to cure her uncontrollable hiccups by swallowing saltwater, making herself gag, eating a spoonful of sugar, drinking a glass of water upside-down or sipping pickle juice. None of those seemed to work on their own, but the ambitious young girl was determined to find a real cure for the annoying problem man has been facing since the beginning of time. Fast forward two years and almost 100 folk remedies tried, Mallory Kievman has reached her goal and is starting a company to commercialize and promote her magic product – Hiccupops.

Believe it or not, the stubborn inventor created the special hiccup-stopper right in her family’s kitchen, in Manchester, Connecticut. After a lengthy process of trial and error, Mallory decided to incorporate her three favorite cures – lollipops, apple cider vinegar and sugar - into one killer combo she named Hiccupops. “It triggers a set of nerves in your throat and mouth that are responsible for the hiccup reflex arc. It basically over-stimulates those nerves and cancels out the message to hiccup,” the 13-year-old says