15 things men lie about


PREMO Member
Things Guys ALWAYS Lie About

#15 "Strippers don't do anything for me"

Yes they do. They take their clothes off without expecting anything in return. They appeal to a man's most primal instincts, and guys respond accordingly. Even if they swear that they don't.

I beg to differ, they expect to get paid ...... well tipped


PREMO Member
#7 "I have so many interests"

No man wants to admit that his interests don't extend beyond watching television and reheating frozen meals. So many lads learn to feign an interest in anything and everything. The history of modern art, hosting dinner parties, hiking mountains, and scientific discoveries; even if he isn't up on them he'll do his best to fake it!



New Member
"15 Things Guys ALWAYS Lie About"

#14 "Of course you don’t look fat in that"
You walked into this one ladies! All men know that when you ask whether an outfit makes you look fat, they must say no. Even if you do. If you really want the answer, find a straight-shooting girlfriend.

Is it really a lie or is it alcohol talking????


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"15 Things Guys ALWAYS Lie About"

#14 "Of course you don’t look fat in that"
You walked into this one ladies! All men know that when you ask whether an outfit makes you look fat, they must say no. Even if you do. If you really want the answer, find a straight-shooting girlfriend.

Is it really a lie or is it alcohol talking????

The women always look better when the bar calls last round. :buddies:


Registered User
These ones I disagree with. (Some listed didn't pertain to us at all)

#6 "I swear I'm 23"
It's not just women telling porkies about their age. Young guys love to add a few years to get the girls, while older men enjoy shaving a few years off to appear less sleazy in the clubs. No one likes a dirty old man after all!

Pfft. I LOVE the fact my hsband is 11 yrs older than I am. SEXY..like Sean Connery. Hubba Hubba!

#4 "Nothing's wrong, I'm fine"
Many believe this is simply a lie women use, but the stats tell us differently. In fact, 52% of men have told this whopper. Men really do hate talking about their feelings, so sometimes it's easier to pretend everything’s fine.

My husband holds nothing back. He states exactly what is on his mind, whether I want to hear it or not.

#1 "We'll talk about it later"
If he has his way, this conversation will never happen. He certainly has no intention of reigniting the debate. He just hopes to put you off long enough for you to forget it ever happened.

My husband will badger me if I do not tell him what's wrong. There is no later...which is a tactic I have used to attempt in putting the conversation off in hopes it would be forgotten.

We must be odd.


They're out to get us
These ones I disagree with. (Some listed didn't pertain to us at all)

Pfft. I LOVE the fact my hsband is 11 yrs older than I am. SEXY..like Sean Connery. Hubba Hubba!

My husband holds nothing back. He states exactly what is on his mind, whether I want to hear it or not.

My husband will badger me if I do not tell him what's wrong. There is no later...which is a tactic I have used to attempt in putting the conversation off in hopes it would be forgotten.

We must be odd.

or he might be....oh, nevermind. :whistle:


#4 "Nothing's wrong, I'm fine"
Many believe this is simply a lie women use, but the stats tell us differently. In fact, 52% of men have told this whopper. Men really do hate talking about their feelings, so sometimes it's easier to pretend everything’s fine.
Oh, this is :bs: Women use this more than men. The ex used this all the time and said it in the meanest voice you could imagine. :lol: "What's wrong?" "Nothing, nothing's wrong." And you knew something was wrong, but she would not say what. It would drive me nuts. :doh:


New Member
Oh, this is :bs: Women use this more than men. The ex used this all the time and said it in the meanest voice you could imagine. :lol: "What's wrong?" "Nothing, nothing's wrong." And you knew something was wrong, but she would not say what. It would drive me nuts. :doh:

and THAT'S why she did it !


New Member
What is it Chris Rock said? Men tell the MOST lies, Women tell the BIGGEST lies!

Man's lie: "I was at Craig's house!!!"

Woman's lie: "It's YOUR baby!"


Well-Known Member
You enjoy enormous penis by the minute?

WHAT are you blathering on about now??

I was replying with regard to the tred topic; about refractory time being lied about.....you know.....like you surely do.
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