150 years ago,


New Member
President Lincoln found it necessary to hire a private
investigator - Alan Pinkerton for protection. That was the beginning
of the Secret Service.

Since that time, the federal government has produced a large number
of multi-letter agencies such as: FBI, CIA, INS, IRS, DEA, BATF,
etc., etc.

Now we have the "Federal Air Transportation Airport Security Service".
Can't you see them now, these 'highly trained' men and women in their
black outfits with jackets saying across their backs:
F. A. T. A. S. S.

The FATASS's are of course supervised by a special section of the Home
Land Security Section known as: Airport Security Service Home Office
Logistics Enhancement Section or the A.S.S.H.O.L.E.S.

I feel safer already.