1930s style: How to undress for your husband


Lawful neutral
Life magazine: LIFE publishes step-by-step guide in 1930s after claims disrobing the wrong way was driving up America's divorce rate | Mail Online

‘How a Wife Should Undress’: Dubious Advice From 1930s Strippers | LIFE.com

A curious collection of photographs from the 1930s has shown us just how different life was for the American family just 75 years ago - particularly for women.
The images, published originally in LIFE Magazine in 1937 and again on LIFE.com this week, illustrate step-by-step how a wife should - and should not - undress for her husband.

Using burlesque dancers as models, Allen Gilbert, who was promoting his new Manhattan School of Undressing, gave readers a few pointers and lamented in the article that wives with a faulty 'disrobing methodology' were largely responsible for America's ballooning divorce rate.
Now if only we can find the article telling men how NOT to undress for their wife...you know, don't do the "Woo! Woo!" shout while stripping off your underwear and kicking it at us attempting to circle it on our head like a carnival game. You know... that move. We really don't find is nearly as amusing as you guys do.


Salt Life
Now if only we can find the article telling men how NOT to undress for their wife...you know, don't do the "Woo! Woo!" shout while stripping off your underwear and kicking it at us attempting to circle it on our head like a carnival game. You know... that move. We really don't find is nearly as amusing as you guys do.

See, and I find this funny, and it keeps the laughs and smiles going in a relationship. If I can't be silly with my husband, well... :frown:


Lawful neutral
Now if only we can find the article telling men how NOT to undress for their wife...you know, don't do the "Woo! Woo!" shout while stripping off your underwear and kicking it at us attempting to circle it on our head like a carnival game. You know... that move. We really don't find is nearly as amusing as you guys do.

See, and I find this funny, and it keeps the laughs and smiles going in a relationship. If I can't be silly with my husband, well... :frown:

So, I'm confused, is throwing our yellow stained BVD's at you okay or not.

I remember when my daughter and her BFF were talking about the Bruno Mars video where he did the boxer shorts dance and you could see his junk moving about... I casually informed them that they can expect that move sans boxer shorts when their guy drops towel as he's about to enter the shower and then again when he comes back out... you should have seen the look on their faces...:lol:
She says her husband wears boxers, that’s just a little too out of control & free for me. :frown:
Yeah, he's starting to get older and gravity will soon catch up with him... just wait until the first time he trips. She'll be buying him banana hammocks before you know it. :ohwell:


New Member
Now if only we can find the article telling men how NOT to undress for their wife...you know, don't do the "Woo! Woo!" shout while stripping off your underwear and kicking it at us attempting to circle it on our head like a carnival game. You know... that move. We really don't find is nearly as amusing as you guys do.

See, I'm with Chasey Lane on this one. Women should not stop being the "Girlfriend" once they tie the knot. Your hubby will always be looking for that fun-loving, silly girlfriend of his. Once the silliness is lost, it might get boring for some and look for it somewhere else. Why do you think Prostitution is a thriving business?


New Member
She says her husband wears boxers, that’s just a little too out of control & free for me. :frown:

I used to hate boxers but they are really very comfortable especially during hot summer months. But yeah, it does get a bit chilly and airy down there in the winter.


RBF expert
Now if only we can find the article telling men how NOT to undress for their wife...you know, don't do the "Woo! Woo!" shout while stripping off your underwear and kicking it at us attempting to circle it on our head like a carnival game. You know... that move. We really don't find is nearly as amusing as you guys do.

See, and I find this funny, and it keeps the laughs and smiles going in a relationship. If I can't be silly with my husband, well... :frown:

I think there's definitely a time for both. Sensual, sexy booty time AND fun, care-free booty time. Both contribute to a healthy relationship :yay:

still better than that "crime scene evidence" women leave behind...

:shocking: are you ####ing serious right now?