1st trout of 2015


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
I went up to the mudhole in Hughesville for some morning fishing. The weather wasn't the best with some on and off sprinkles. The air temperature was quite pleasant. I had a rainsuit that kept me nice and dry.

I started out tossing a castmaster lure. After about 20 or so minutes of nothing I switched up to a lighter rainbow trout pattern super duper spoon. After about 10 minutes or so I finally had my first trout of the year.


In the next hour or so I ended up getting 9 more rainbows and missed at least a half dozen strikes. Most of the trout stocked were robust and feisty. I had quite a few jumpers.


Switching up gear I ditched the spinning outfit for a 5 weight fly pole. I tied on a flashback pheasant tail nymph and ran a small split shot a foot up the leader from the fly. I hooked up instantly. I got 18 trout on the nymph. Around 1pm I switched to a caddis nymph but by them the bite had died down. The pheasant tail was pretty tore up to the point where it just looked like a clump of feathers and string on a hook. I'd say I got my money's worth from that fly.

In all I fished for about 3 1/2 hours. 28 fish caught and a dozen or more lost. It's not uncommon to lose fish caught on a fly since the hooks are so small. Unless the trout get a good hold of the fly, it's easy to miss digging the barb in their mouth when setting the hook.

I fished with 12 other people. Most were using bait. I other fly fisherman had some success with a wooly bugger fly. Around 1:30 the skies opened up again. That was enough for me. There should be some trout to be caught for the next 5 days. There is a good bit of weeds on the water but it isn't the green mess that this pond turns into by the end of the summer. Good luck.



Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
I went back today and what a difference. The water looks like chocolate milk after all the rain from yesterday. The winds are swirling in every direction. I only got 1 fish before I packed it in. 14 people fishing today but not much catching going on. Time to let the water settle and the winds die down. This week should be good for wetting a line.