2-1-09 Xliii


So theres not a thread on here about the big GAME!!!!! Whats going on?

Who do you think is going to win?
Who do you WANT to win?
Who deserves to WIN??? lol

BTW- I'm a hard core SKINS fan... so these are my thoughts....

I personally think that the Steelers are going to win. Tomlin is a great coach!!! They have POLAMALU!!!!! Crazy player.... Roethlisberger is pretty dependable... god i can't believe he is only 26!!! ahhh he is set forever. God these names are hard to spell.. if they are spelled right.

On the other hand its the first time for Arizona to go to the super bowl... which is awesome!!! So it would be neat for them to win. Wide receiver Fitzgerald had an awesome game!!! wow!!!! I enjoyed the game vs the eagles!!! wooo hoooo. It was a fun game to watch... then I watched the ravens vs steelers and it was sooo boring... until the end of the game.

Only 2 more days.... get ur thoughts in :)

so whats going on?
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Well-Known Member
There's a game on Sunday? :confused:
This is news to me. :shrug:

:lol: I'm rooting for Arizona I think, just because they have never won a SB, and they have the lowest record of anyone to ever make it to the big game...but that may change once the game starts because I haven't watched them at all this season (besides a Redskins game, I think :confused:) and I may dislike some players or coach :lol:


There's a game on Sunday? :confused:
This is news to me. :shrug:

:lol: I'm rooting for Arizona I think, just because they have never won a SB, and they have the lowest record of anyone to ever make it to the big game...but that may change once the game starts because I haven't watched them at all this season (besides a Redskins game, I think :confused:) and I may dislike some players or coach :lol:


STEELERS all the way! I can't wait till Sunday!!:yahoo:


so you must not be a football fan... if you are saying "I hope they both loose" thats cool.. not everyone likes football and I respect that ;)


Well-Known Member
Six Pack!!!

Looking for a stillers win!!! Never know though, that's why they play the game... Got to keep an eye on the wizzer and his play selection, can't be caught napping out there.

I have the towels out, the pirogies, shrimp, roast beef and oh ya wild turkey!!:buddies:



This. ------------------>

Look for Arizona to get an early lead, maybe even hold onto it through halftime. Only to have Pittsburgh take control and pound the Cards throughout the 2nd half to win it going away.

Polamalu probable MVP.


Oh it's out! Just gotta figure out which Jersey to wear - 43, 7 or or go old-school and wear the 36. :yay:

I'm going with the old school #36. I wore that one for the first two playoff games and they won. So now I have to wear it for the Super Bowl or I'll jinx my team!