2 Hour Early Closing???


Warrant guru

I saw on the calender in the School Guidelines book that today Patuxent Elementary is closing two hours early (don't remember the reason). But I didn't get anything in my son's bookbag or is it listed on the school's website. Does anyone know if it's closing early or not?? Will call the school if no one knows for sure.

Warrant guru

Dutch6 said:

I have the number and the website but it's not listed on the site. I wonder if the school has a machine that will tell me. I have to leave work early if there is an early closing. Don't want to miss the bus.


New Member
schools are closing early today

Most schools didn't send home a note because you just received the calendar. All schools in Calvert County are closing two hours early today for teacher work time and they will be closed all next friday for inservices.

Warrant guru

rockfish said:
Most schools didn't send home a note because you just received the calendar. All schools in Calvert County are closing two hours early today for teacher work time and they will be closed all next friday for inservices.
Thanks! I didn't think I was crazy! I am glad that I wrote down all that stuff from the calender or my kid would be wondering, "where's my stupid mom??!!" His kindergarten teacher last year would put notes in their bags to remind us parents. I guess not only the kids have to become more responsible in 1st grade. :lmao:

Warrant guru

LusbyMom said:
Yes it is 2 hours early today. Usually PES sends home a calendar monthly with all the school happenings and the lunch menu on the opposite side. They haven't sent one this month though.

I am looking forward to a whole entire week of school. Every week but 1 this month they have a day off.

I know. What's up with that?? They are in school as much as they are out. Don't even want to think about when it snows. For some reason unless it's a really big snow that happens during the night, TV/radio stations don't post closings until I've already left for work so I have to tell hubby that there's a 2 hour delay and he gets to be late for work.


New Member
Warrant guru said:
I saw on the calender in the School Guidelines book that today Patuxent Elementary is closing two hours early (don't remember the reason). But I didn't get anything in my son's bookbag or is it listed on the school's website. Does anyone know if it's closing early or not?? Will call the school if no one knows for sure.

Yes, today is a 2 hr early dismissal for all Calvert county Public Schools.

Here is a link to the '07-'08 calendar



Lem Putt
Warrant guru said:
I know. What's up with that?? They are in school as much as they are out.
These "days off" and early dimissals are usually because of a national or state requirement to hold feel-good training, like how not to hurt little Johnnie's feelings when he screws up. The teachers aren't getting the day off, just the students.

Most teachers would rather just keep the students in class because almost all of the training is worthless.


New Member
MMDad said:
These "days off" and early dimissals are usually because of a national or state requirement to hold feel-good training, like how not to hurt little Johnnie's feelings when he screws up. The teachers aren't getting the day off, just the students.

Most teachers would rather just keep the students in class because almost all of the training is worthless.

We didn't have any training today.


Lem Putt
greyhound said:
We didn't have any training today.

Did you catch where I said "usually" not "always?"

Yes, the union has negotiated some time for teachers to work without students present. They don't (usually) get the day off to screw around, so the perception that the teachers are getting a bunch of days off is wrong.


New Member
MMDad said:
Did you catch where I said "usually" not "always?"

Yes, the union has negotiated some time for teachers to work without students present. They don't (usually) get the day off to screw around, so the perception that the teachers are getting a bunch of days off is wrong.

Yes I did. :yay: I was just letting you know we did not have the type of training you mentioned.