20/20 Now...


Football addict
From Anne Fausto-Sterling's Sexing the Body

A child is born in a large metropolitan hospital in the United States and Western Europe. The attending physician, realizing that the newborn's genitalia are either/or, neither/both, consults a pediatric endocrinologist (children's hormone specialist) and a surgeon. They declare a state of medical emergency. According to current treatment standards, there is no time to waste in quiet reflection or open-ended consultations with the parents. No time for the new parents to consult those who have previously given birth to mixed-sex babies or to talk with adult intersexuals. Before twenty-four hours pass, the child must leave the hospital "as a sex," and the parents must feel certain of the decision.


It's kind of scary some of the stories that were on that show. Like the one younger boy that was trying to cut it off.