2009 St. Mary's County Youth Football Contact Camp


New Member
2009 St. Mary's County Youth Football Contact Camp
Ages 5 to 14 years old
Monday July 27th – Thursday July 30th
9:00am – 3:00pm
Presented by
The Pax River Raiders & Leonardtown High School.​

Camp will be located at Dorsey Park, 24275 Hollywood Road Leonardtown, MD 20650.

Cost for camp is $110.00 per camper. Each child will be allowed to use our equipment, and receive a free t-shirt. We will also be giving out personal awards to the campers that the Coaches vote on.

Camp will be 3 days of instructions and on the 4th day we will hold scrimmages to allow the Campers to demonstrate what they have learned at the camp. Family members are invited to attend our Contact Camp each day to watch their family member participate.

Camp will be broken into age groups. Example;
5-7 – Year olds
8-10 – Year olds
11-14 – Year olds

Each group will work with Camp Counselors, Coaches from Leonardtown High School & Pax River Raiders. We will have other Coaches at the Camp from other Schools as well.

Equipment will be issued to each camper. If you are registered with one of our tackle programs for the fall, you will be able to keep your equipment to the end of the fall tackle season. If you are not registered with one of our tackle programs, the equipment will be returned to us at the end of the camp. There is no fee to use our equipment. Equipment issue will take place on Sunday July 26th at Dorsey Park from 11am – 2pm.

Pizza & Drinks will be available for purchase at the camp each day for lunch.

All Campers will be taught the fundamentals, techniques and drills necessary to improve their performance. We will provide each player the means to maximize his ability for the upcoming season.

Camp space is limited to 200 participates. Please register online or mail in your registration form to reserve your spot.

You can register your child online at Pax River Raiders Youth Football & Cheerleading you can also download the registration form from our website.

If you have any questions please feel free to call us at 301-862-4155.
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well send your kid somewhere else and see how much it will cost to attend. I bet that if SMYFL was to put on a camp similiar to this you would be blowing them til your eyes where ready to explode. Saying this is so great that you are doing this for the children of this county and what a positve experience it will be. But no this guy does it and you are ready slam him in a heart beat, get real. No matter what side people take in this the other side is going to get slammed. Just human nature I guess. Do you seriously think that all of this money is profit? What about the food that is supplied, insurance isn't cheap either, some of the coaches I am sure will be charging a fee for there time (most dont do it for free unless they are looking for kids to recruit). There are cost to putting on a camp, I know I have done them before. If you would like to discuss this further pm me and we can have a conversation when ever you would like. I am easy to talk to and will listen to your side. If not go ahead and slam me on here, whatever makes you feel better.


They have to recover the $80k cost for the equipment purchased from Pigskins. They certainly are not getting the registrations for contact football to cover it, so let's throw in am over-priced camp.

My son just left for a four day overnight football camp = $250.


$110 for a one week camp!!! who gets the $22,000 you will make?

You must have an agenda because that's actually a very reasonable price.

The St Mary's College 4 day basketball camp is $225 and the 5 day soccer camp is $295. Please find me a kids sports camp this summer that's less than $100. Thanks.


You asked for it now you got it. SMYFL has a three day camp, the week before this one on thier website for $50. At the end kids get a free jersey and cleats to use for the tackle season.

Also the same week as this camp there is another camp, I believe at Chopticon, for $50

They have to recover the $80k cost for the equipment purchased from Pigskins. They certainly are not getting the registrations for contact football to cover it, so let's throw in am over-priced camp.

I forgot to thank you 2 jerks. I was on the fence and completely unsure of where I was going to let my boy play and for that matter where I was going to recommend to my former Pigskin team. I was initially going to stay Pigskin then I changed my mind and filled out the application for SMYFL but something told me to wait. I waited it out to see how things were going to develop. Finally after witnessing you two sour ass, snide, a-holes go on and on and on I decided ANYTHING you were associated with was nowhere I wanted to be. For that reason I took my kid and 7 of my old team to South County.

And you 2 have the gall to call Don Kemp an ass. Good luck because you are no different than what you accuse him of being.

I am sure the President of SMYFL is just giddy with excitement every time you two post and show tha character of that league.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
I forgot to thank you 2 jerks. I was on the fence and completely unsure of where I was going to let my boy play and for that matter where I was going to recommend to my former Pigskin team. I was initially going to stay Pigskin then I changed my mind and filled out the application for SMYFL but something told me to wait. I waited it out to see how things were going to develop. Finally after witnessing you two sour ass, snide, a-holes go on and on and on I decided ANYTHING you were associated with was nowhere I wanted to be. For that reason I took my kid and 7 of my old team to South County.

And you 2 have the gall to call Don Kemp an ass. Good luck because you are no different than what you accuse him of being.

I am sure the President of SMYFL is just giddy with excitement every time you two post and show tha character of that league.




I think what she was trying to say was that every time the bash brothers ratchet up the nasty, South County makes more money as people skip over SMYFL and go to his league. The South County president gets giddy with excitement when these 2 drive people over to his league.


You asked for it now you got it. SMYFL has a three day camp, the week before this one on thier website for $50. At the end kids get a free jersey and cleats to use for the tackle season.

Also the same week as this camp there is another camp, I believe at Chopticon, for $50

I don't see the SMYFL camp listed. Maybe it's full?

Camps and Clinics

Also, the Chopticon camp is 6-8:30 at night while the camp above is 9-3:00 each day so you get 12.5 hours of instruction at Chopticon versus 24 hours at the other camp. That's $4.00 per hour at Chopticon versus $4.58 per hour at the other camp. Pretty close in price.


New Member

There have been rumors that SMYFL is developing a camp with the specific intent to disrupt a camp that South County is conducting. While SMYFL is, in fact, developing a camp, it is not meant to be in competition, or intended to disrupt, South County's Camp.

SMYFL has been working with vendors and sponsors since its inception. We have a strategic plan that is being implemented as we approach and enter into the football season. One key component if this strategic plan, and the very reason we structured ourselves the way did, was to work with the County and local industry for the betterment of football in St. Mary's County.

While this camp is not finalized yet, we are working with a sponsor on athletic apparel and costs to make it as affordable as possible to all. Equally critical is that we are coordinating the dates and times around any known High School camps that may be scheduled. We do not want to conflict with these school camps; but rather want to compliment their activities.

Once the details are worked out with the sponsor, and a schedule that does not conflict with any local High School camps, and meets the sponsor's availability, this information will be released and registrations will commence.

All activities and events developed by SMYFL are open to all leagues and clubs, independent of affiliation or location. These are community events open to all kids, players, cheerleaders, coaches (recreational and High School), parents and siblings.

SMYFL has not, nor will it ever, draw a line between football leagues participating in any community event.



SMYFL I am glad you are taking the high road. Now if you could get your two jerks to sit and know there role like good yes men. People with eight kids in there hat might go right to your league instead of going else where.
Now you two tards need to stop and think before you post. This shooting of the hip isn't really working to well is it? You two are cancer for any organization. I will be amazed if you make it through this season without getting into some sort of trouble. Cause you can't seemed to shut your mouth here or for that matter I am sure anywhere. Now please SMYFL put a muzzle on them or get rid of them because the are no good for any kid.