2010 Spring Turkey Seasons: Lies, Truths, & Tails


New Member
Well... I'm going to start this thread I guess.

I went out this morning and walked around the farm, and walked around the farm. I had three Toms on the field at 7 AM and I stalked and called for about an hour, the closest I got to them was 50 yards with no chance of a shot just inside the woods and they headed off in the direction of the neighboring "hood", so, that was counted as a loss. Then I heard about 4 more down the field at about 150 yards, no idea where they went. I clucked and chirped with the Double D diaphragm and the best was all out squawking, seemed to be the only way to get them to call back to me, it worked. The old Little One-Sider box was of no value.

Tomorrow morning is another day and I guess since I have seen, called and heard them, I will give it another chance.


When I used to hunt in Calvert County, during deer season all I saw were turkey. During turkey, all I see are deer. :banghead:


Yay me!
I went on my first ever and unfortunately, probably my only turkey hunt ever yesterday...

My friend was able to take a day off to take me out for a hunt... we didn't see a single turkey... we heard a turkey gobble in the early morning...every time a farmers rooster would crow the turkey would gobble... this went on till we heard a shotgun go off... He told me it was too cold and windy where we were... it was fun anyway! the spring woods waking up is very different from the fall woods waking up...


New Member
I went on my first ever and unfortunately, probably my only turkey hunt ever yesterday...

My friend was able to take a day off to take me out for a hunt... we didn't see a single turkey... we heard a turkey gobble in the early morning...every time a farmers rooster would crow the turkey would gobble... this went on till we heard a shotgun go off... He told me it was too cold and windy where we were... it was fun anyway! the spring woods waking up is very different from the fall woods waking up...

Why in the world would it be your last?

His comment that it was too cold and windy is 100% false. At least false from the view point of the birds being active. Maybe he just does not like those conditions (was not that cold/windy), but the birds sure don't mind.

I heard gobblers from 0545 until about 0830. Had one he and a jake within range, but no mature gobblers.


Yay me!
have the gun, camo, and woodsmanship but lack the rest of the equipment and the know how to go out and hunt by myself ... and he lives too far away for repeated trips... I loved the time spent in the spring woods though, the gobbles I did hear and the hens flying from the roost really got the blood pumping... I may eventually just try to figure out turkey hunting on my own.

the cold and windy thing is what him and all the other turkey hunters over there(near blossom point base and yeah it was cold and windy that morning) were telling me as to why we didn't hear any more gobbles or see turkeys. I don't know anything about turkey hunting so I kinda just took their word for it (but also kinda figured it was the same bs you hear from fishermen and deer hunters :coffee: )


New Member
Here's one for the books. Taken by a young fellow I know, enjoy.


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New Member
have the gun, camo, and woodsmanship but lack the rest of the equipment and the know how to go out and hunt by myself ... and he lives too far away for repeated trips... I loved the time spent in the spring woods though, the gobbles I did hear and the hens flying from the roost really got the blood pumping... I may eventually just try to figure out turkey hunting on my own.

the cold and windy thing is what him and all the other turkey hunters over there(near blossom point base and yeah it was cold and windy that morning) were telling me as to why we didn't hear any more gobbles or see turkeys. I don't know anything about turkey hunting so I kinda just took their word for it (but also kinda figured it was the same bs you hear from fishermen and deer hunters :coffee: )

I am not a great Turkey hunter known the world over, but, anyone who claims the Turkeys are not active during windy conditions needs to find a new hobby. I took my nephew out on Saturday morning for the junior hunt, and there were Turkey's everywhere. I'll have to assume the "windy" condition is another "excuse" for the book to come home empty handy.

As for the cold, that's a joke to me as well. I can't tell you how many times I've set in 30 degree and less weather and had Turkeys everywhere around my deer stands on day after day occasions. I have not had the opportunity to go much at all in the past years and I will admit it is tougher than deer hunting, but, with a few basic items, the calls, and a decoy and some good cover and the willingness to walk a few miles and have all the patience you can muster, Jenni4... you are more than capable of getting out there and taking control of your own Turkey hunting goals.

I would suggest you park your reservations, and go hunting, then keep us up to date on what you saw and what you did.


New Member
have the gun, camo, and woodsmanship but lack the rest of the equipment and the know how to go out and hunt by myself ... and he lives too far away for repeated trips... I loved the time spent in the spring woods though, the gobbles I did hear and the hens flying from the roost really got the blood pumping... I may eventually just try to figure out turkey hunting on my own.

the cold and windy thing is what him and all the other turkey hunters over there(near blossom point base and yeah it was cold and windy that morning) were telling me as to why we didn't hear any more gobbles or see turkeys. I don't know anything about turkey hunting so I kinda just took their word for it (but also kinda figured it was the same bs you hear from fishermen and deer hunters :coffee: )

To say that the wind may have caused you not to hear any more gobbles could be a true statement. The wind tends to make it harder for you to hear them, or them to hear you call. However it certainly does not make them any less active otherwise. They are there, you just can't hear them from as great a distance. Turkeys don't go to roost or hide when the weather turns bad. In a great many cases, turkeys don't gobble as much later in the morning either. Yesterday they hit it hard early and then it all died down which is pretty typical.
The know how comes easier when you have a teacher, but if you have the desire, you can go it alone...which is what I did. I have read everything I can get my hands on, listened to others talk about hunting, asked a million questions, purchased DVD on calling (which I'm willing to loan to you) and most importantly, I have gone to the woods by myself and FAILED. I learn a lot that way and you may as well.
If you don't have land to hunt, St. Mary's offers a lot of good public land. Yes, there are other hunters, but for the most part they hunt close to where they park and are too lazy to put in the leg work to get to where the birds are. If you're willing to work hard, scout hard and hunt hard, you'll do well.
Let me know about the DVD and if you want to borrow a bunch of my NWTF magazines.


New Member
here is 1 for you

Went this morning, and I thought my luck was about to be good ( should have known better....... spotted one and after a closer look saw it was a hen. didn't know till later it was a lesbian hooked on my decoy's


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New Member
Went this morning, and I thought my luck was about to be good ( should have known better....... spotted one and after a closer look saw it was a hen. didn't know till later it was a lesbian hooked on my decoy's

Very nice pictures, but that is one ugly azz deke. :killingme But hey, whatever works. LOL

I hated not being able to get out there this morning. Working life sux.


New Member
I got me a 19.5 pounder on 4/27. 10 in. beard; 13/16" spurs. Public land in southern Maryland. Called it in with a glass call with carbon striker and a mouth diaghragm. Had hen decoy set up too. Came in at full strut. Rolled it at 25 yards.

Nice job. Pictures please! Public land is tough.


New Member
Bulldog, I've tried to upload pictures but it won't let me for some reason. You're right; public land is tough. It took me two tries with this bird. On the first try several days before when I used no decoys, he circled around me without coming in. He kept gobbling though, and another hunter came in and started calling to it. The hunt was then over for both of us. So, several days later I went back to the same spot and set up cold with decoys early in the morning. I did a mock flydown and some soft yelps. The gobbler responded, and I gave him some soft yelps back and then some purrs. I then shut up and let him come in.

Nice job. I got bested AGAIN this morning. I was in and settled by 0500, first roost gobble at 0520 and that went on until just a bit after 0600. Once things settled down and I figured they were on the ground I gave a few soft yelps and waited. Nothing for about 20 minutes so I gave a few more yelps and then hit the pot call for some purrs (can't purr with my mouth call...yet). Unknown to me, there was a turk behind me that must have seen me put the pot call down. I heard Putt, putt, putt as it was going the other direction. The first putt could not have been 10 feet behind me.
I'll try again Friday and Saturday.


New Member
Is anyone still hearing gobbling? I went out today (Saturday, 5/8) on private land and did not hear anything. I also did not hear anything on public land this past week.

I was out Saturday as well, in my ground blind on a field edge. Did not hear a single gobble for 3 hours. I had actually packed up my video camera, tripod and other gear and was going to go for a walk in the woods...when I stood up and looked out of the blind window, there were two jakes charging out of the woods and straight to my decoys. They were gobbling their heads off, but even at only 25 yards out I could hardly hear them over the wind. They got to my decoys and were attacking them at first. I got set back up, broke out the camera and caught a bunch of it on film. One jake mounted my hen decoy and did his business on her before attempting the same on my jake decoy. I blasted him at 25 yards.
Did not want to take a jake, but I only have 1 or 2 more hunts this year so had to take what I could get. Going to try with a bow next.
PM me your e-mail address if you want to see the video.